Chapter 17

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A/N: Mature content and degradation in the beginning of the chapter. Skip halfway through if you are uncomfortable or don't read at all. I feel like I could have written the second part in much more detail but I really wanted to get the chapter out for you lovely people. Anyways, happy reading :) (my longest chapter yet I think)

I wish there was a way to preserve the blissfulness that I was experiencing at the moment, or rather from the past few days. I wish there was a way to imprint the feeling into my skin and mind so that I never forget what it's like to be this happy. 

Between the subtle affectionate touches and the sneaky seductive glances during the day, Fred and I found ourselves in the secrecy of our bedroom, eagerly seeking satisfaction in each other's proximity by the end of the night.

There was nothing that we did when the sun was upon us that could take my mind off of his husky moans as he thrust into me, nor off of his strong hands gripping the sheets...gripping my waist.

However, all of this would come to an end later today, seeing as the Weasley parents would be returning from their vacation. I was craving one last shenanigan before Fred and I had to part ways for a while, and an idea was steeping in my mind for the last few days.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the freshly mowed grass that Ron hurriedly cut after remembering that his parents had asked him to do it the day they left. Life here was so peaceful, and I could not fathom that, eventually, I would have to go back to the hectic reality I was accustomed to.

At least I would have the good memories to keep my soul warm during the storms of living. No matter what happens in the future, I am going to cherish this summer for the safety of my heart.

I flipped through the slightly rugged pages of my book. In those pages rested great knowledge and a lifetime of mediative contemplation, and I was itching to uncover the story that laid within the humble ink.

Alas, my moment of inner peace was rudely interrupted, courtesy of the Weasley siblings.

"Watch out, Mel!" Ginny yelled, giving me a split-second heads up. I looked up, my eyes widening in panic as I watched a colorful ball make its way towards my face. I tried to save my book, but it was too late. The ball had burst open on impact, showering me and my book with crystal clear droplets.

I could feel myself become aggravated and if it was possible, there would have been smoke coming out of my ears. For the most part, I am a pretty easy-going person, but if you ruin my book then we have a different situation at hand.

"Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to throw a water balloon at me, while I was holding my book?" I seethed, feeling the water trickle down my face.

"I am sorry, Mel." Fred winced, his face giving away his guilty expression. 

"Oh, you are going to fucking pay Weasley." I moved to put my book under the hot sun, in hopes that it would dry fast enough, before marching over to the small shed that the Weasleys kept their quidditch equipment in.

I remembered seeing Ms. Weasley watering the flower patches with a hose, and I figured it would get my point across much more effectively. I unrolled the hose, making sure to turn it on, and dragged it out of the shed.

"Amelia! Calm down, I think we can reasonably discuss this." Fred tried to argue, as his family slowly began to disperse away from him.

"Too bad, I am not very reasonable." I smirked before I turned on the hose to full blast.

To say that Fred was soaked was an understatement, but my move had prompted a full fledge water fight between everyone, and while they stuck to the balloons and wands, I stuck to the hose.

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