Strange Feelings

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"Treat her like you're still trying to win her, and that's how you'll never lose her."

- Naomi's POV -

It's been six months, six months since Jimin and I got married.

We were living in our own house now, sadly not with the boys and Krisha.

We still lived very close to each other, because they were the street behind us.

We visited them everyday.

"Jagiya!" Jimin shouted from downstairs and I was still tired in bed. I felt sick, but I didn't want to show it to Jimin.

I went downstairs looking like a mess. Once Jimin saw me, he smiled and smirked.

"There's my beautiful wife" he kissed my cheek.

I smiled, trying to resist the pain in my stomach and head. "Baby, the boys asked if we wanted to come over today? You know, since it's Saturday" Jimin asked.

I nodded, "Of course babe" and faked a smile. I saw the food on the table, which was pancakes.

"Wow!" I gasped. "You made this all?" I asked him. Jimin smiled like an idiot, "Of course!! For the one and only you" he winked.

I rolled my eyes and started eating. In fact, it didn't taste bad! "How does it taste?" He asked suspiciously.

I grinned, "Yes, better than all the other foods you've made". He looked shocked, then sticked his tongue at me.

I finally finished eating and my stomach pain was not going away. I put my hands in my stomach, and Jimin finally realised.

"Babe, are you alright?" Jimin asked, putting his arms around my waste, trying to capture my heart all over again. Just like when we were in high school.

"I'm all goods baby, don't worry. Let's go up and get dressed so we can see the others" I lied and changed the subject.

Jimin still smiled and believed this joke. I sighed and got changed.

Jimin and I walked to the boys and Krisha's house, since it wasn't far. We knocked and saw Suga.

"Hi Hyung" Jimin smiled and hugged Suga. "Woah calm down there Jiminie, hello Naomi!" Suga oppa smiled.

I greeted back and saw everyone else. "Hello unnie! You look.. amazing." Krisha said smiling.

"What? I've gained weight, I don't know why.." I said looking at the piece of fat in my body. "Ani! It's good, I don't want you to get sick".

I hugged Krisha, "I won't dongsaeng" I smiled. She was such a caring sister, who I considered. I love her to bits.

The boys, Krisha and I were about to play truth or dare. I honestly felt like I was going to faint, I tured pale.

"Naomi love.. Are you okay?" Namjoon asked me. Everyone stared at me.

I stood up, "I just need to go to the bathroom, start the game without me" I fake smiled and ran to the bathroom.

As I went to the bathroom, I started vomiting and I didn't know why. Soon enough, it hurts that I cried.

- Jimin's POV -

Naomi left to go to the bathroom, she looked pale and sick. The boys looked at me after she ran.

"You should go check up on her, Jimin" Namjoon said to me seriously. I was about to reply until Krisha cut me off.

"Ah, I'll do it!" Krisha said and ran off. That was weird. Jungkook gave me a weird face.

"Should we keep on playing truth or dare until they come back?" J-hope asked. I just nodded and we all started doing things.

- Krisha's POV -

Unnie, I hope you're okay. What's going on with your health. Aish, I told you to get yourself checked ages ago.

I knocked on the bathroom and saw Naomi's pale face. I went in and closed the door. "Unnie.. what's going on?" I asked confused.

She shrugged, "Dongsaeng, I don't know". I can see she was hurting inside and just hiding her pains away.

Why was she puking? I didn't get it until it snapped in my head. "Oh shii.." I mumbled. "Did you say something?" She asked hugging the toilet bowl.

"Unnie, I need to take you somewhere.." I said and fixed her face. I dragged her out of the bathroom toilets and passed the boys.

"Where are you guys going?" Jimin and Jungkook asked curious. Fah, we got stopped over.

"None of your business, bye!" I said dragging unnie with me. We got in my car and started driving.

"Where are we going dongsaeng?" She asked suspiciously. I sighed, "Unnie.. I think you're pregnant".

She looked at me dumbfounded, "Pregnant? Pft, nah. I highly doubt that..". She looked a little nervous.

"Do you want to buy the tests in the pharmacy or just get it tested at the doctors?" I asked. "Lets just do it at home". "Okay" I nodded.

- Naomi's POV -

Pregnant? Me? Pft. No way. I don't even think thats possible. I also think Jimin wouldn't accept this because it's been just six months.

Should I be nervous? Argh, this is making me hot. We bought the tests and went back home to the boys and Krisha's house. Surprisingly the boys weren't there.

"Coast is clear unnie! Go go go take that test!" Krisha dongsaeng supported me. I finally did it and waited.

I left the test in the bathroom and went to Krisha. "How long do we have to wait for the results to come out?" I asked.

Krisha looked at the back of the box. "2-3 minutes!", I just nodded. Soon enough, three minutes passed and I was nervous.

"No need to be nervous unnie!" Krisha said rubbing my back. I went in, and saw the results.

"How are the results?" Krisha asked out the door. I didn't respond, I just opened the door and showed her. She gasped.

- Jungkook's POV -

I wonder where these two rascals are going while we're playing truth or dare. The boys and I decided to go ice cream.

"What do you think is up with Naomi?" J-hope nudged my arm. I shrugged, "I don't know" I said loudly. Soon after, he hit me.

"Yah! Hyung!" I said giving him a dirty look. "Keep your voice down, pabo-ya!". I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think Naomi is pregnant?" J-hope asked again. It made me think, would noona be pregnant?

I'd probably ask Krisha later.

SEQUEL 2 - Was Hating You My Mistake? (Jimin BTS) [BOOK TWO]Where stories live. Discover now