Gods Will

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After B Lou was done telling his story, I was in a state of shock. He was looking me in my soul as if he was finding ways to make me suffer. Lou got up from his chair and starting warming up as if he was getting ready for a heavyweight title match. I stand up as well as I say " Ay yo Lou, you sure you wanna workout in your condition". As he finishes his fifty push-ups, he looks at me with a smile and says " I'm not primary training, I'ma be sparing". I get confused and reply with " Lou, ain't nobody else in here for you to box with".

He throws me some gloves as his smile goes away and says " Don't act stupid nigga, get yo ass in the ring". At this point I'm getting ready to shit bricks, one person I never wanted to fight was B Lou and my ass had obvious reasons why. What makes everything worse is that I have little to no fighting experience, I mainly just let my speaker handle my situations but I could never intentionally make Lou speak easy. So I put on my gloves and mouth piece and get in the ring. We walk up to touch gloves but as soon as we take a step back I tried to go for a sucker punch. That had to be the worst decision I ever made, cause all I see is Lou disappear and end up right under my arm aiming for my kidney.

Lou gave me the hardest and sharpest left hook that someone could deliver in a match. I stumble far back as blood is flooding my mouth and I can barely take breathes. I try to call it quits but Lou forcefully stands me up and begins to pummel my face in as my brain is being shaken like a Maraca in my skull. I quickly lose conscious and control of my body. I soon wake up to me in a back of a ambulance on my way to a nearest ER. I tried asking one of the EMT'S what's going on but I was quickly answered with " Son don't even try to move or speak, you were found in critical condition by a nearby Alleyway. Your kidney was somehow punctured by your ribs and you suffered a serious concussion".

As I was being told everything, all I could remember was seeing the cold stare in B Lou's eyes. I wasn't mad nor vengeful towards him, I deserved everything plus more that was coming my way. I don't expect him to forgive me but I hope that beating he gave me was enough to satisfy his vengeful heart. As I enter the emergency room, all I remember was the doctors saying that I had a forty percent chance of living this operation and the fact that I didn't die was unbelievable. After that, all I remembered was the nurse putting me to sleep and waking up the next day. I was stuck in the hospital for four days with an requirement of intense physical therapy.

I was told by the doctor that my surgery could give me partial paralysis beneath my waist so I had to get up and started my therapy as soon as possible. As I'm doing my therapy, a figure in the corner catches my eye. Its a tall dark man with red eyes, his presence alone was enough to stop me dead in my tracks. He wispered something but somehow it was loud enough to hear across the room. The figure then says " Your sins are slowly catching up with you, for all the death and carnage you have caused you will suffer from a lifetime of tragedy and trauma as your first of two punishments. Your second will be your soul being sent to hell with the rest of your kind, as the demons will feast on your flesh and you will do nothing but suffer from internal hell fire and relive your sins until you beg for a second death".

....I fall to the ground as my face turns white and my eyes roll to the back of my head.

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