Part 3 Playa

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"Spike it!!" My volleyball coach screams on the court. Nadia spikes the ball at a fast speed and it hits the ground before the other team could get to it. "Yeaahhhh!!" Our team high fives each other and booty bumps Nadia.

The game was 8-14. Our team won and to be honest, it was a pretty easy team to play.
"Nice win girls!" Our coach congrats us as we gather up our stuff. "Nadia, amazing spike!! And Avery, great block! You nearly knocked that girl out!" All my team mates laughed as I took a big gulp of my water.
"Ok, practice on Saturday! Guess what we will be working on... Conditioning!!" Ugggg. Everyone groans and I just feel like punching myself in the face. At least I can go to the basketball game tomorrow. Omg... I just remembered!! I'm dating the one and only... Liam Court! AHHH!! I tightly clench my fists excitedly then go to say goodbye to my team. I go find my mom in the crowd of people on the bleachers then we start walking to the car. I get out my phone and see a text message from... Matt. SHOOT!! OMFG. MATT. I FORGOT ABOUT HIM!! But I really liked him!! But I really like Liam! But Matt is so sweet!! But Liam made the first move.., Wait... Matt WAS the one who asked me to go to sweet retreat after the basketball game... Was he trying to ask me out?? Hmm, does he actually have feelings for me? Or are we just friends? Ugg, I don't know. I don't know what to do other then open the text message.
Matt💜: i like u
SHOOOTTT. POOOOPPPP. WHYYYY. OMG WHAAATTT. THEY BOTH LIKE ME???? Wait, that was just sent only 20 seconds ago!
Matt💜: Aw shit that was Myles, sry for the confusion.
Avery😍: dnt wry its fine(:
I turned off my phone so I wouldn't be distracted when I tried to finish my algebra homework. 20 minutes later, it's 6:20.
"We'll be home in 15-20 minutes." My mom says.
"Ok." I say as I turn my phone back on.
Liam💘: hey, just making sure... do u like me??
Avery💓: umm ok if im gonna be completely honest... idk. Liam, don't get me wrong, I RLLY like u. Ur sweet, athletic, rlly cute, and we hav a lot in common. But I'm just not sure because I'm kinda in love with another person too.💔😔
Liam💘: Wait, really?? Who is it?
Avery💓: I don't think I should tell you. ):
Liam💘: Why?
I could tell he was depressed. It broke my heart knowing he was trying to stat strong.
Avery💓: Idk... I don't want u to kill him
Liam💘: Hey, if you like him, I won't hurt him. ;)
Avery💓: It's Matt...😪
Liam💘: Matt Lanter?
Avery💓: yea... im so sry😣i just need to think things over. But we can still be friends, right?
Liam💘: Oh yeah of corse!!
Avery💓: oh good im so relieved😅
Liam💘: i gotta go, see u tmrw at the bball game
Avery💓: Bye😓

Liam's POV

My heart drops as she texts me back saying idk. I feel like crying, but then remind myself that she's just a girl. A really pretty... smart... hot... caring girl.

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