Chapter Five: The Engagement Party

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I'm in Robin's office, trying to clean up my spilled drink when Ezra walks in on us with Robin's hands all over me. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Ezra says in his stern tone. 

"Ezra! It's not what it looks like!" Ezra looks between me and Robin. "And what, pray tell, does it look like?" His arms are crossed against his chest. "Relax, Ez. We were just trying to clean a stain. Y/N spilled on herself, see?" Robin points to my soiled shirt, which I'm not sure is helping.

A strange hardness gleams in Ezra's eye as he looks at his brother... but finally, he clears his throat and turns to me. "So... how's party planning been going?" I smile softly at him. "We're actually all done. It wasn't easy. Sofia had some very... specific instructions." He nods, "Ah, yes. I'm familiar with Sofia's lists. She's..."

"... Obnoxiously high maintenance?" Ezra smiles at me. "As her betrothed, I think I'd better plead the Fifth." Robin chuckles, "How diplomatic of you. If Dad does end up disowning you, you've always got a future in politics." Robin teases Ezra. "And now I'm certain I've left you alone with Robin enough for one day. I hope he hasn't spilled all of our family secrets already." Ezra smiles. 

I think back on all those personal questions I asked Robin and feel a pang of guilt. "Don't worry, Y/N still doesn't know about the band we were in—"

"Oh wow, would you look at the time?" Ezra quickly interrupts Robin. "I actually came by to offer Y/N a ride home. Unless..." His eyes dart over to Robin, and I see a flash of something I can't quite put my finger on. "... You still have some unfinished business here?" Ezra says, with a hint of jealousy.

'Is Ezra... jealous? Maybe I can use this to get closer to him... There's only one way to find out.' I smirk to myself. "Well, Y/N? Are you coming?" I smile politely at Robin. "We're done here. I'd love a ride home."

I put my drink back on the try and gather my things to go. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think I caught a weird look between Ezra and Robin. "We'll see you later, Robin. Try not to work too hard." I turn to Robin and smile. "Yeah, catch you later cutie." I throw Robin a playful wink.

"How's the old adage go? I hate to see you go... but I love to watch you leave." Robin smirks. "Aren't you supposed to be on the clock right now?" Ezra glares at Robin. "You know I'm salaried." Robin smiles. Ezra glares again and moves into the hallway. Robin reaches out and takes my arm, drawing me back. "What are you doing?" I whisper to him. He furrows his eyebrows. "What am I doing? What are you doing? I've never seen him so wound up over my flirting before. It's my new favorite thing." He smiles.

"...Y/N?" Ezra calls out from the hallway. "Coming!" I call back. Robin's words still echo in my mind as I follow Ezra outside to meet Carter. I slide into the backseat of the town car with Ezra close behind. "Hello there, Ms. Y/L/N. I trust your engagement party brainstorming was productive?" I chuckle, "Surprisingly yes, despite working with Robin."

"I do see the conundrum there. Would you like some music, Mr. Fitz?" Carter looks at Ezra through the rearview mirror. "Yes, something soft, please."

Ambient music quietly fills the car as Carter rolls up the tinted partition to give you privacy. Ezra turns to me, his gaze darkened. "Now that we're alone, you can tell me how your day with Robin really went. I hope he didn't bother you too much. Was he that flirty with you all day?" Ezra frowns.

"Honestly? Robin behaved himself. I think he just likes to see you squirm." I giggle. "Was I squirming?" Ezra looks at me surprised. "You tell me." Ezra stared at me thoughtfully, considering his answer. "Maybe a little bit..." Ezra casually puts his hand on my knee, and my lips part with surprise.

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