Chapter Eight: The In-Laws

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─── ⋆⋅One week later...⋅⋆ ───

Bela visits to help me prepare for the Fitzgeralds' country club garden party...

"Ezra said his parents want to meet me. Can you believe it? I'm just the nanny!" I could already feel my heart beating out of my chest.

"There's nothing 'just' about you, Y/N. Besides, wouldn't you want to get to know the woman who's taking care of your grandchildren?" Bela pointed out.

"I guess that's true..." I muttered. "I'd better make sure I make a good impression!"

"That's what I'm here for. Show me whatcha got..." Bella and I dig through my closet, picking out dress after dress. After a few minutes, Bela pulls out a long, floral sundress with a touch of elegance. "Oooo, this one speaks to me! His parents will love you in it. Not to mention, you'll totally fit in at a country club."

"Let me try it on..." I quickly change and return to my room. I spun around so Bela could get the full view, the skirt billowing out as I do. "Well?"

"Even I want you to be my daughter-in-law in that dress. You'll have them asking 'Sofia who?' by the end of the night." Bela teased.

Just then, there's a knock at the door. Ezra peeks his head through. "You ready to go, Y/N?" His eyes widen slightly as he takes me in from head to toe. "Wow, you look..."

"Gorgeous? Radiant? Stunning?" Bela smirks.

"Oh hello, I didn't realize you had company." Ezra looks between me and Bela.

"I'm Bela, Y/N's best friend." Bela chimes in.

"And she was just helping me get ready. Thanks again, Bela." I nudged her.

"Trust me, it was my pleasure. I'll get out of your hair. Good luck." Bela waits until Ezra's back is turned, then gives me a look and fans herself before leaving. I'm still shaking my head as I follow Ezra to the car.

Soon, you're headed upstate to the Ezras' country club. I'm in the backseat with the kids, trying not to notice how distracted Ezra is in the front seat with Sofia.

"Y/N, do you think they'll have fish eggs at the club again?" Mickey questions.

"Yeah, last time we did this experiment—" Mason started but I interrupted.

"Uh, let's not do any experiments, okay? It's an important day for your dad." I suggested.

"But, it's just Grandma and Grandpa..." Mickey frowns. I try to focus on Mason and Mickey, but Ezra's whispered conversation with Sofia drifts back to me.

"You know how my parents feel about tabloids. They're not going to be happy that our engagement leaked like that." Ezra whispers to her.

"I don't get what the big deal is. It's not like they didn't want us to get married." Sofia whispers back angrily.

I glance over at the boys, who are busy pointing out the window as we turn off the highway.

"Just because they're being polite doesn't mean they aren't pissed too." I casually edge forward so I could hear better. "You don't know my parents like I do. Image is all that matters to them."

"I can't imagine a more perfect image than two people from impeccable families coming together, can you?" Sofia furrows her eyebrows.

'Sounds like image is all that matters to Sofia too.' I thought to myself.

"No one is above reproach. Our engagement was announced via tabloid. I can't say it enough." Ezra says in a hushed tone.

"But Robin's ex-girlfriend can crash New Year's, grab the mic, and tell him off in front of the entire club?" Sofia crosses her arms.

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