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only if you knew
how much i liked you


i closed my locker after making sure i had all the books i would need for homework that day in my backpack. "oi y/n!" i turned around to see chan walking towards me. "what's up, chris!" i said in a deep voice which made chan chuckle. "i still can't believe you think that sounds like felix." chan told me. "are you making fun of my felix impersonation? i'm offended, he told me he thinks it's good." i said back. "sure sure, anyways. i wanted to ask, can you study with me and do homework in the library today?" chan asked me. "sure! let me just let my parents know." i said before quickly texting my parents, letting them know i'd be home later.

"let's go?" chan asked after i put my phone back in my pocket. "let's go!" i said before walking with chan as he suddenly grabbed my hand. i felt myself blush but brushed it off once chan let go after we arrived in front of the library that was in front of the school. "sorry for holding your hand, just wanted to make sure you didn't get lost at a crosswalk." chan said before walking inside the library, leaving me with a small dumbfounded look before shaking it off and following him. obviously there was a reason he held your hand, idiot.


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