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but you like her better


now five months, and we had only hung out two other times after the drive in theater. once again, haein was there both times. i didn't have a problem with her since she was a good person, but my heart didn't seem to like when she was with you. however she didn't show up at school today, so chan sat with me at lunch for the first time in a while, and we finally felt like normal friends hanging out again. he told me she had a fever and couldn't come to school, and i just said i hope she felt better soon. though at the same time, i liked it better with just us sitting together again.

"do you maybe wanna hang out together after school at the park? it's been a while since just the two of us actually hung out." i asked chan. "sorry, i'm gonna head over to haein's and help take care of her since both her parents work a little late. maybe another time?" chan said. "oh, okay." i said and faked a smile even though i truly felt broken. he never used to come over to help me when i would stay home with a fever, even though i helped him. yet here he is, going to help haein. my heart stung again and a tiny voice just popped into my head, he likes her better.

as much as i didn't want to admit it, it was true. nobody could deny the fact that chan liked her better than me now. they always hung out and just like now, he chooses her over me. it's like all the things we used to do, he now he does it with her. and even though we did those things first, he choose to do them with her over me. we don't even hang out at least once a week while they hung out all day, every day. it hurts, but i'm okay with it. because it's just the truth.


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