the beginning.

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Mike once again had Ryan over. He said to himself 'Tonight the night!' and 'ill confess today! I'll tell him everything!' but the night was almost over and his mom and sister were coming back tomorrow. It was now or never. "R-ryan" mike said as he paused the game "uh, what's up mike?" Ryan said as he paused his game "I...I h-h-have t-to tell y-you s-something..." Ryan looked confused but sat criss cross infront of mike. " k-know i-im g-g-gay?" Ryan nodded. "w-well.... I-i like s-some-someone." Ryan smiled "is it Jacob from english? Or is it kalen from art?.... oR or-" mike put his finger up to ryans lip and slowly moved it so he was grabbing ryans chin. "i-i... I l-like you." mike said as he leaned it a little. Ryan moved his head from mikes grasp. "what?" Ryan backed up a bit. Mike put his hand on his chest "i-i....i-i w-was j-joking!" Mike giggled. Ryan had tears forming in his eyes "mike I know this is a bad time to tell you....I'm sorry I know you probably Don't want to hear this right now...." Ryan put his hand on the back of his head. "I....I went to a bar....with a fake ID and all that...." ryan scotched back over next to mike "I went into the b-bathroom...." Ryan started to tear up "a-and thi-this older dude...he came up to m-me and asked how old i-i was....and I....I told him I was...23...." Mike felt like he knew what was coming. "And....he grabbed my wiste....and he.... Pushed me against the wall..."

Ryan was full blown crying while in the lap of mike who was holding him "do y-y-you r-remeber wh-what he-he loo-looked li-like?" Ryan shook his head "everything after that is just a blur..." Ryan tugged on Mike's shirt so mike would make eye contact with him "i-i haven't told anyone about this...ok?" Mike nodded "so don't tell anyone, including my sister..." Mike nodded "now, what was that joke you where talking about? I can't remember what you kinda looked scared in the moment... It reminded me of my face with I saw that older man.." mike scratched his head "it's n-not i-important" mike said holding ryans body close to his. Ryan felt so safe being in mikes grasp, being able to hear mikes heart beat and feel Mike's chest move as he breathed. "Mike...." "Y-yes?" "Is it ok if I take a little nap here....?" Mike blushed "uh...y-y-yeah" ryans eyes where already closed and his head was already heavy "thanks mikie" mike could feel himself blush 'mikie?!' mike had the face of a tomato, I suppose it didn't matter since ryan was already alseep and could see his face mike planned to wake ryan up so he reached over to the table grabbed one of those oven timers and set it for 30 minutes he set it down and laid down with Ryan on his chest and passed out.

When ryan woke up he streached to realize he was being held by one of mikes hands. He smiled seeing mikes love for him. Ryan got up off the couch and saw the timer it still had a few more minutes on it. He turned it off.

By the time mike woke up it was almost midnight and ryan was cuddled up with blankets by his feet "good morning green man" mike scratched his head "h-how long w-was i-i o-o-out?" Ryan shrugged "about a hour or two" ryan smirked. "But you won't believe what I found while you where alseep." He pulled out a book from the depths of the blanket that said 'micheal R niccals' on the cover

/flashback/ he turned it off. Ryan streached as he made his way into mikes room he grabbed a blanket and took it off. But with the blanket a small book fell of the floor "micheal R niccals...I'm totally reading this." Ryan said as he opened it and walked back over to the couch and the first few pages where just about mikes dad when...on the 4th page he started to talk about ryan. '03/07/XXXX' "that was 4 months ago..." 'i have just got this book, yes. But I think it's time to talk about ryan. He is my bestest friend, he is dearest to my heart. And lately I've been realizing more and more that I might be gay.' ryan flipped the page 'not only that I might be a possible gay but also I might have feelings for my best friend. And to be quite honest I'm scared to tell him. I know he is a.... What is it? I forgot... Molly? It pretty much means he will 'do it' with anyone. But.... I'm scared to tell him for regection. I've known him since the beginning of 6th grade and now we are entering the 11th grade.' ryan shut the book "oh my god" he bit his lip as he looked at the sleeping mike. "I can't believe I never noticed." He sat still biting his nails and thought about it for a good 30 minutes. Before picking the book back up again 'i mean at this point how could I not fall for him? He's...well he's him! He has those pretty baby blue eyes...and he so soft spoken it's like you could barely tell he is secretly the most preverted person on the planet basically.' "ok ouch, noted" 'not to mention he's not a virgin.' "OK I GET THE POINT IM NASTY" ryan yelled then covered his mouth to look at mike. He's still fast asleep ryan sighed and continued. 'but I don't care about any of that. It's that fact that he didn't take one look at me and disided I was a weirdo freak. He got to know me. Even with my stutter he still listens to me. And he always calms me down when I'm freaking out or when my dad gets mad. It's like he always knows what to do and he just always makes it better.' ryan could feel himself start to tear up. 'and I know that ryan trusts me too, he's secrets I won't put in this book for they are secrets not ment to even be written on paper.' ryan giggled threw his tears at how much mike cared 'but.... I just feel like if I tell him he won't feel the same. Everytime I tell him I think about dating someone he always is quick to think of every possible match for me. But he never stops to think, maybe the match I want... Is him.' and that's where the entry ended 3 whole pages about ryan. He could feel himself crying. All those kind things about him, he truly knew in that moment

/end of flashback/ "GIVE TH-THAT B-B-ACK!" ryan tossed it over. "chill mike I only read like your first entery. After that it got boring so I just closed it and watched TV." Mike sighed in relief "whats that sigh for? You hidden something from me marry jones?" Mike shook his head. Ryan glared at his eyes piercing threw mike "haha! I'm just messing with ya bro" ryan layed down on mike the blanket over them. "so what else can we do that we haven't done, that we can do since no one is here to stop us?" "W-we co-could g-go to th-the st-store" ryan smiled "ah yes the freedom of going shopping by ourselves... Not like we have done that before" mike sighed "th-then i-i do-dont kn-know" ryan crawled up mike a little his knees holding him up while one if his arms was in front of mikes face "I know something WE can do~..." Ryan put his finger on Mike's chin and smiled. "Let's go to tracie's party!" Ryan got off of mike  and put his shoes on "i-i h-hate you. Y-your g-gay" ryan chuckled thinking about all the things he read in mikes book. Before mike knew it ryan had dressed him and he was driving them to the party. "D-do i-" "YES! It is only midnight! The party is probably already started" ryan smiled "all we have to do is slip in, no one's gonna care we are there mk?" Ryan smiled. Mike couldn't say no. "M-mk...."

1464 words jesus... I write to much bro XD anyway if you looked at the cover read the description (or looked it over) and read this. Good on you. I hoped you like it bruv. And if you don't, that's good to I'm just happy you read it. Peace out ✌️.

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