party time

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‼️⭕🅾️🅾️ WARNING 🚫❌‼️⭕

People were puking, girls making out with boys, people calling their mom's, and just all that. Mike gave Ryan 'that look'. "Oh come on it's probably not gonna be that bad, now let's get you a drink." Mike had to swallow his pride and do what Ryan said "i-i...o-ok" he blindly follow Ryan to the drink station where Ryan picked up a drink and just gulped it down "j-jeez" mike whispered "now, your turn" Ryan said. Handing mike the red plastic cup. Mike took it out of his hands. It's not like he has never drunk alcohol before, he just has never gotten drunk. "Hey Mike, it'll be ok. I'm here." Ryan smiled. Mike sighed and....he drank the whole thing "Woah! I wasn't expecting you to do that!" He put the cup down along with his head as he put his hand over his mouth. "You good?" Mike put his finger up as he gulped the last of it down "y-yeah..." Ryan grabbed two more cups "are you good enough to have more?" Mike sighed "wh-why th-the hell n-not?" He grabbed the cup from Ryan and took a sip..... It was 3: 40 AM. Both the boys were far too drunk to drive. Not that it mattered. Ryan was making out with some random girl and mike was on the couch watching tv, still drinking. "Hey, aren't you mike niccals?" Mike turned his head "yeah. Wh-what it t-to y-ya?" "Your that fag from 3rd period!" Mike groaned "shut the f-fuck u-up t-Tommy. I-i k-know you s-suck dick for f-fun" mike sniffed as he took a sip from his cup. Instead of getting in a fight like you think he would have. Mike ended up helping that dude with his issues, he was gay. His dad didn't like that.

With Ryan, he was now leaving hickeys all over her neck. He has his hand around her waist slowly moving up. But in this girl's drunken haze the thought- "h-hey.... You know. I don't want you fuck boy" Ryan moved his arms off of her "what?" "You heard me! I'm better than this, fucking some random guy in a damn closet." the girl opened the door and slammed it on her way out.  Ryan stood there, a little peeved she did that. He kinda felt a little numb, empty. when he came to his drunken conclusion to find mike he left. Mike was still talking to that gay in the closet dude. "Mike!" Mike turned his head to see Ryan coming at him Ryan hugged him and grabbed an empty bottle off the floor. "WHO WANTS TO PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Ryan screamed, about 24 people screamed back. (I'm pretty sure this isn't how real partys go, I wouldn't know. I've never been invited to one.) Ryan knew in a circle with 25 people (mike included) and the bottle was spinning. After a few turns, mike was the one spinning the bottle, no thanks to Ryan. He spun the bottle till it landed on some random chick he didn't know "we all k-know i-im gay. Le-let me sp-spin again" mike spun a few more times before it landed on Ryan, well it was either Ryan or another random girl. Mike picked either, being hated by a mob or, playing 7 minutes in heaven with Ryan. He picked the ladder. "So, how's your party been going so far mike?" "i-im so, so, so, so drunk. I can't f-focus m-my eyes e-even wh-wh-with m-me gl-glasses."

(❌‼️This part is where the perverted stuff starts so if you don't like that or just if you know me please skip this❌‼️)

Ryan smirked, "ok then how do you feel about..." Ryan put his hand on Mike's thigh "....this?" Mike blushed "i-i.... u-uh" mike started to lose his focus "how about this?" Ryan moved his hips up against mike. Mike wasn't moving at all he was practically an ice sculpture. "Or..." Ryan put his chin on Mike's  neck and softly exhaled oh him "this..." Ryan slowly led his hands to be around Mike's hands. Ryan guided Mike's hands to be at his thighs. "Ry-Ryan..." Mike said slowly. Ryan bit his lip as he kissed Mike's neck scaring the shit out of mike causing him to bite Ryan's neck with his sharp teeth. "AAA!" Ryan yelped as he lifted one of his legs around mike. Ryan was shaken but mike seemed calm like he had planned this moment many times. Mike bit down on Ryan's neck as he pushed Ryan onto a wall Ryan exhaled softly under his breath. "m-mike... St-stop." Ryan grabbed at mike's sleeves. "the...7 minutes are almost up." Mike sighed and got off of Ryan.

(‼️⭕❌OK ITS OVER NOW ❌⭕‼️)

Ryan opened the door covering the spot where mike had to bite him and left a hickey "can someone drive us home?".... Eventually they got home, turns out a girl walked there who lived nearby so she just drove them and walked home. Ryan had to help mike get into bed. Mike was 100% more dunk than Ryan thought he would be.
Since Ryan was drunk and mike was way drunker than Ryan he didn't know exactly what to do. Ryan held Mike's hand walking him around trying to see if they knew anyone. They didn't know anyone or, Ryan didn't know anyone but! Some girl offered to drive them. She had walked there from next to their trailer and offered to drive them in Mike's car if he gave her 20 bucks and, he did. Ryan leads her and Mike back to the car. Helping drunk Mike get in the back seat.

When they arrived Ryan had to help mike get out of the car, into the house, in his room, and on his bed.

As Ryan was about to leave mike called him back over. "Yess Mikie?" Mike smiled grabbed Ryan's shirt pulled him in and kissed him. Right on the lips. The moment he let go he passed out and Ryan was left standing there blushing and slowly walking out making a small bed on the couch and not being able to sleep thinking about everything that had happened that day.

WOOO OK! thanks to squirtle312 for helping me and telling me to get Grammarly that was very nice of them. Also thanks to you for reading and if you know me IRL. Please never mention this. K, peace out. ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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