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      Stiles and Venus had left the now aware werewolves to grab their things before making their way down to the parking lot again to grab the third flare. They had met back up with Lydia and Allison on their way down, quickly finding that they couldn't find Scott anywhere, so they were getting the flare to snap him out of his daze too when they find him.

They didn't have to look very far though, for as soon as they made their way into the parking lot, there he stood. Right in front of the bus, drenched in gasoline, with the last remaining flare in his hand ready to be dropped to the ground at any second.

     Stiles and Allison call out to the boy causing him to look up at the four of them, his eyes searching all their faces. Nothing but silence is shared between them for a few seconds, each of them baffled by the sight in front of them before the werewolf speaks.

"There's no hope." he speaks, his voice monotone and void of emotion.

"What do you mean, Scott?" Allison questions, trying to keep her emotions at bay. "There's always hope."

"Not for me. Not for Derek."

"Derek wasn't you fault. You know Derek wasn't your fault."

"Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse. People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed."

"Scott, look at me." Stiles speaks up. "This isn't you, alright? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this."

     "What if it isn't?" his best friend questions, Venus could feel her throat closing up at the tone of complete hopelessness he was speaking with. "What if it is just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing that I could do for everyone else? It all started that night. The night I got bitten. You remember the way it was before that?"

Scott is speaking directly to Stiles now, there was nothing the rest of them could do except watch the two best friends until hopefully the flare burns out or Stiles manages to pry it off the werewolf.

     "You and me, we were- we were nothing." the werewolf continues. "We weren't popular. We weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all."

     Venus watches the tears rolling down Stiles face as Allison covers her mouth in disbelief at the situation. The former stepping forward and convincing his friend not to do this and when it didn't work he attempted to tell the boy to take him with him, shocking the three girls next to them.

The Nymph could feel the awful feeling returning to her stomach as Stiles takes the flare out of Scotts hand and into his own, her eyes following it roll across the floor as he throws it away. She felt her heart drop as a sudden, unnatural gust of wind rolls the still burning flare back at the gasoline.

Yelling out at the two boys, she quickly tackles them to the ground and lands on top of them right before the gasoline was set on fire.

     Venus looked back at the raging fire, feeling the intense heat rolling off of it and floating towards the group of five sprawled across the floor. What she saw in the midst of the flames absolutely terrified her.

There stood a figure with a, what looked like to her, as a distorted version of someones face and she knew from the pain washing over her body and the immense fear she felt that this was it. That was the Darach.

It was there with them the whole time.


     Isaac and Boyd had met up with the group shortly after those events, the group of them choosing to spend the rest of the night on the bus to hopefully avoid another situation like that one and get some few hours of sleep before continuing onto the meet the next morning.

The girl was sprawled across the two seats between Stiles and Isaac, with her hoodie bunched up under her head as a pillow before they were all rudely awoken by the bus door slamming over and coachs booming voice.

      "I don't want to know. I really don't want to know." The man speaks, shaking his head at the sight of the seven teens in front of him. "But, in case you missed the announcement, the meet's cancelled, so we're heading home. Pack it in. Pack it in!"

     Venus sits up, feeling disoriented for a few seconds before she rests her head against the window again and shutting her eyes, hoping to get a bit more sleep before they reached Beacon Hills.

She was interrupted by the seat next to her shifting, announcing that someone was taking a seat next to her just as she was about to drift off. Looking to her right, she was surprised to see the person now sitting next to her was none other than Stiles.

She furrows her eyebrows at him, confused at his presence; especially after last nights conversation when he basically admitted he didn't trust her.

     "I wanted to apologise." he starts with a shrug and what he was trying to look like a small smile. "You saved my life twice last night so I guess I was wrong not to trust you."

"What makes you think this isn't all an act?" she retorts, raising her eyebrow at him.

"The fact that you just asked me that?" he scoffs. "You could've easily let the gas catch fire last night but you didn't so please just take my apology and accept that I trust you now."

"Well, I did tell you I didn't blame you for it but apology accepted, I guess" she returns his smile as he mumbles a small 'good', resting his head back against the hoodie and closing his eyes. 

     Venus made a mental note to thank her dad for giving her the motivation to 'put herself out there' otherwise she never would've found the courage nor the confidence to speak to any of these people who she could now consider - almost - her friends.


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