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     Venus had pulled Stiles into the middle of the dancing crowd for a couple songs, the boy didn't have a single rhythmic bone in his body, which lead to them laughing uncontrollably for over an hour at one another before retreating to the stairs in the corner of the loft. The girl was making her way over to him with two beer bottles and another bottle of water, just in case.

"Do you by any chance have a bottle opener?" she questions as she takes a seat beside him.

"Yes." Stiles pulls his key ring out of his pockets, his keys jingling by her ears as he moves to open the bottle.

"Your key's glowing." she points out, grabbing it from his hands when she notices his confused look. "Here, look. It has phosphors on it."

The boys face turns into one of recognition as he looks at his keys, then back at the girl next to him as she sips on her beer bottle. Venus turns her head back in his direction, their faces small inches apart, making the boys breath hitch in his throat.

"What are phosphors?" he questions lowly, not moving away from her.

"They're any substance that glows." she answers just as quietly. "It's in your teeth, your fingernails. It's also in all of this stuff," Venus puts her pointer finger up, turning it around. "It reacts to the UV light, that's why it glows."

The two of them are quiet for a second before Venus pushes her face closer to his, shocking him for a second as her nose touches his.

"Vee." Stiles whispers. "You're drunk."

"Doesn't mean either of us want it any less." she pulls back, raising her eyebrows at him with a small smile before sipping her beer again. Stiles clears his throat, sipping out of his own bottle. His mind racing at what possibly could've just happened, but he knew she was right. He didn't want it any less.

"How would I get phosphors on my key?" he asks, after a few seconds.

"Um, have you been handling chemicals?"

"No, I don't think I-" Stiles pauses looking at his key before getting up and moving to stand in front of her. "I'm sorry. I just thought of something and I have to go. I really, really wanna stay but I got to go."

"It's okay." she furrows her eyebrows, confused at his actions but her words were true nonetheless. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Here." he hands her the water bottle next to him and pulling the beer bottle out of her hand. "You should drink that. Whole thing, okay?"

He places a gentle kiss on her forehead before moving away, his heart aching in his chest at the fact that he could've spent the entirety of his night with her. At the fact that she had almost kissed him and he pulled away, that she practically admitted that she liked him. Yet he merely shook his head, pushing away all of those thought and leaving her behind.

     Venus watches his retreating figure with an amused expression at his constant erratic behavior. She stays in her position for a little while longer, drinking the water like Stiles had told her to. It had been a few minutes of silently observing the partygoers when she notices Aiden and Danny carrying Lydia in from the balcony, the girl looking hurt. The brunette quickly jumps from her place, seeming to have sobered up greatly as she made her way towards them.

"Aiden, what happened?" She yells over the music, kneeling down next to the werewolf in front of the heating vent.

"I don't know." he replies, seeming to be in panic himself. "We found her outside like this, she's freezing."

"I'll try to find a blanket." Danny announced, before leaving the three of them.

"They came out of the dark." Lydia whispers, not taking her eyes off the vent in front of them, successfully confusing the two teens. They stay seated for a couple minutes before all of a sudden the music cuts off and Dereks voice sounds across the loft telling everyone to get out. Aiden pulls Lydia up with Venus' help, each of them supporting the girl from either side. They meet Danny half way, handing her off to him as Aiden tells him to get her home.

The loft quickly empties out, no one left except the members of the pack plus Ethan and Aiden. They were patiently awaiting Derek to blow up at all of them for the party, but the older man didn't get the chance to.

Venus and Aiden were stood on one side of the loft, when all of a sudden these strange looking people appear from the shadows, turning to look directly at where they were stood. There were about five of them looking straight at them, taking threatening steps towards the pair.

"What the hell?" Venus whispers, her eyes moving frantically across the room.

"Guys." Aiden calls out, pushing Venus slightly behind him. "They're all looking at us. Why are they all looking at us?"

They take a couple more steps towards her and Ethan, before Scott and Derek finally spring into action, attacking the strangers stood in the middle of the loft. They weren't doing a good job at it though, since every single attack by either side was being dodged by the other. She watches from over Aidens shoulder as Derek grabs one of their necks and snapping it. Her eyes widen in horror as she realizes that it had no effect on the entity as it only gathered smoke around its head, before turning back to Derek and throwing his back towards the pillar.

Scott is thrown to the ground shortly after that, Isaac attempts to attack but quickly backs down as one of them pulls a sword out of its chest. The whole group of them now turns back to Aiden and Venus, her grip on his arm tightening as they begin to move closer to them. He didn't mind it though, he was terrified himself at what was about to happen as they finally reached the pair.

One of them grabbed onto Venus' arms and pulls her next to Aiden as another two hold the boy still by his arms as he flails in attempts of reaching her. The girl instantly begins to feel faint when it touches her, feeling an intense negative energy floating through her from it.

One of them is left stood in front of them, her eyesight already becoming fuzzy, she watches as it grabs the back of Aidens head and its eyes start to glow before the boy falls shaking to the ground. Her breathing becomes heavy and ragged as it then turns to look at her, before it could touch her though, they drop her onto the floor next to Aiden, subsequently moving towards Scott and Kira. They don't get the chance to attack them however, as the sun rises, shining through the large window in Dereks loft, making them all disapear.

Isaac quickly rushes over to the wheezing girl, lifting her off the ground and resting her in his arms then locking eyes with Allison.

"What the hell were those things?" Scott questions, looking around him at everyone else.

"Your dad's 24 hours are up." Isaac states, before the huntress begins to explain to the group the events of the previous night.


VENUS 🪐 STILES STILINSKI {1} Where stories live. Discover now