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     The weekend had passed with no more trouble, no more imbalance and no more run ins with Scott Mccall and co; which Venus was pretty thankful for

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The weekend had passed with no more trouble, no more imbalance and no more run ins with Scott Mccall and co; which Venus was pretty thankful for. She was sure at this point that him and his friends were aware of the supernatural and were probably a part of it themselves.

That was until Sunday rolled around and she felt another death. At this point, both Fiores were certain that Venus was experiencing the sacrifices as they happen, which wasn't a pleasant feeling for the girl since they seemed to be happening so often.

Her fears had been answered the following day at school when halfway through their cross country run, a girl had stumbled upon a boys body. Same three injuries as the previous three bodies. She had taken notice of the clear tension running between Scott and his friends and she so desperately wanted to know what they knew about all that was happening, but she felt it better if she stayed out it. She had her dad and the trees to help her figure it out.

God, I sound crazy.

Her school day was coming to an end and she was roaming around the halls, coming upon Kyles locker, apparently he was the boy they found that morning and he was a senior. She stood across from it for a moment, feeling a wave of sadness rush over her at the young boy who lost his life too soon.

She only hoped she could figure this out soon so they could prevent as much death as possible. What Venus didn't expect to see though was another awkward exchange between two people who seemed to be members of Scott Mccall's pack.

"So, you knew Kyle?" the Stilinski boy asks Boyd, whom Venus knew from last years english class that they shared.

"Yeah we were in ROTC together." the taller boy replies monotonously, clearly wanting nothing to do with Stiles at that moment.

"So you guys were friends?"

"I only had one friend, she's dead too."

Venus internally cringed as the werewolf walks away, leaving behind a very baffled Stiles and a slightly humored Venus.

"You know, you should probably work on your sensitivity to people's emotions in these types of situations." The boy was startled by the unfamiliar voice, looking across the hall to see her leaned against the lockers with her bag slung over her shoulder.

"I'm having an off day okay?" Stiles sighs, "Why're you talking to me? Just because you supposedly helped Scott and Derek find Boyd and Cora doesn't mean we're all friends now."

"Hey, I never said we were." the brunette raises her hands in mock surrender with a sarcastic smile. "I was just giving you constructive criticism on your behavior."

She was halfway down the hallway before he could think of a response, in his haste not wanting her to get the last word, he yells out to her what is possibly the worst comeback in the history of comebacks.

"Yeah well you can keep it to your pretty little self!"


That night, Venus had felt yet another sacrifice take place and had come to the decision that they would need help if they wanted to save more lives quicker. The only logical answer would be to put more than one head together, theoretically, which meant she needed Scott McCall and his packs help.

So, begrudgingly, she crossed the street in hopes that a certain brunette boy would be home and awake. To her luck, he opened the door for her.

"I need your help." she speaks. "All of you."

Stiles stood confused for a moment before deciding it was better to have this conversation as a group and quickly gets in his car, taking the girl with him and driving over to Scott's house. The Mccall boy was nothing short of shocked to see the unlikely pair at his doorstep so late at night, but as soon as he heard she needed help he knew he had to hear her out.

There they sat in the Mccall's kitchen, Venus on one end with Stiles, with Scott and Isaac watching her from the other.

     "Okay, i'm sure you've probably figured it out by now but these deaths aren't coincidental." she starts, getting no reaction out of the boys which confirms her theory. "My dad and I are almost certain they're sacrifices. I can feel every time they happen, I felt one right before I came to your house. I need your help to figure all this out before it's too late, before there are any more casualties."

"Why should we trust you?" Stiles asks, narrowing his eyes at the girl. "Are you, like, a herald of death? How do you even know about the supernatural?"

     "I should be asking you that." she raises her eyebrows before sighing and confessing. "I'm a Nymph."

"Like in Greek mythology?" Scott scoffs.

     "Essentially, yeah. Basically, amongst other things, it's my job to keep the balance between the supernatural world and the human world, and right now the scales are off the charts." Venus turns to look at Isaac pointedly, this was the first time her former friend was learning any of this about her.

"That's why I was in the woods that night," she continued, "I could feel that something was wrong and that's why i'm not surprised when the bodies show up. Yeah, Stiles can't whisper."

     "Where were you last year?" Isaac finally speaks up, a slight tone of betrayal in voice. But he knew he couldn't speak since he kept things from her as well. "I'm pretty sure a kanima running wild and killing people counts as tipping the balance."

"Wasn't really my job yet. Neither was handling the Alpha that I'm assuming bit you." her head turns back to look at Scott.

"What do you need us to do?" the Mccall boy asks, seeming to finally believe the girls intentions were good.

"What we're dealing with, it's called a Darach."

"How'd you know about that?" Stiles interrupts yet again.

"The trees told me. Wow that doesn't sound any less crazy every time."

"I'm sorry, the trees?" Stiles laughs, before turning to his two friends. "You can't be believing this!"

"Look, I don't care if you don't believe me. I just need to know what you know about these sacrifices then I can put the pieces together myself, but it's my job to protect this town and i really need you to tell me everything."

Scott purses his lips and looks to his best friend. "She's right. The more heads we put together, the faster we end all of this and the more lives we save."

With a final exasperated breath, Stiles sits himself down on one of the stools and allows his friends to explain all of their findings.


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