Chapter 18: The Inquiry

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A subtle thought that is in error may yet give rise to fruitful inquiry that can establish truths of great value.

-Isaac Asimov

Leila Fiorenza's POV

"Good morning!" Lucia announced cheerfully as she enter the dining area to have her breakfast. It's been a week since Leandro had an accident.

"Good morning, Lucy." I greeted back as I continue to put butter on my bread. I wrinkled my nose when I smell the strong aroma of coffee on Lucia's cup. "You seem to be in a good mood today. What's up?"

"Nothing," She replied, placing the napkin in her lap. She placed a good amount of food on her plate as we enjoy the breakfast table without any other company.

Since Leandro's accident who couldn't be able to have breakfast here in the dining room. The widow also stopped having breakfast here every morning that suited me just fine. I hope that she would continue her new routine in the future I don't want to eat at the same table as hers ever.

I eyed Lucia warily when I noticed that she's staring at me with such gleamed in her golden eyes. "I don't think I like the way you're staring at me, Miss Salazar. Care to share what's going on inside your head right now?"

"Nothing." She said again as she leisurely sipped her coffee. But I couldn't miss the sparks in her eyes. "It's just..."

"Yes...?" I pointedly look at her waiting for her to spill whatever she'd been thinking right this moment about me.

She couldn't contain the excitement I saw in her eyes anymore as she stared straight into my eyes. "Well, the palace was buzzed at the news that the Condesa finally spend the night on the master's bedroom for a whole week now." She announced with such enthusiasm in her voice in my opinion. "Does this mean that the two of you finally mend your rift? I'm so happy for you both."

I don't know if I would be surprised that the maids gossiped about us. It's just juicy news that the Conde and his bride finally share the same bed. If it wasn't for Leandro's request that we should sleep on the same bed without anything sexual on it I won't sleep in his bed.

I sighed deeply as I remember those longs nights. I was not sure if Leandro intended to slowly make me crazy with this new arrangement of ours. In the middle of the night, I would stir only to find out that I was half-drape to his body. I couldn't help but remember those nights long ago when we first met.

Oh my God! What is the date today? I asked myself silently as I stood straight from my chair. How could I forgot...

"Leila?" I heard my sister-in-law inquired casually. "Are you all right? Your thought seems miles away from here."

I tried to give her a reassuring smile as I focus my attention back on her. But my eyes were still misted by tears. I suddenly miss her. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"What's wrong?" She asked concernedly, squeezing my hand. "You can tell me, Leila. What's bothering you? Is it about my brother? Perhaps, Natalia? She's bothering you again? I can talk to her, you know."

Despite the tears that threaten to fall in my eyes. I couldn't help but smile at her kind-hearted nature. "I'm fine, silly," I told her with a laughed as I wipe away the moisture in my eyes. "It's just I remember that today was my mother's death anniversary."

"Oh..." I saw sadness on her face as she gazed at me steadily. "I'm sorry to hear that. Does my brother know about it?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't told him yet." Then, I remember that I haven't heard about their mother. "How about you? You and your brother haven't talked about your mother yet to me. How is she? Is she still alive? What's her name?"

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