Chapter 6 - The thunder.

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Author's POV.

Samar was watching the busy city through the glass window of his cabin smiling for no reason. For no reason?  Nope there was, and it was his little doe. Obviously thinking about their encounter, recent incident at the hospital, their proximity, her innocent doe eyes, the way she stammered signifying the effect of his proximity. Her scared face which was so cute to resist.

Why am I thinking of you little doe?a girl hardly stays in my mind for more than a minute.
Wait!little doe?but Why this name? She's far more beautiful than doe but her cuteness isn't helping. She's so cute and bubbly just like a doll..doll?.... Yes her name will be doll only as she's more cute than a doe. Her perfect pink lips, brown orbs, cute kissable cheeks, soft black hair. Thought Sam before he was trailed off from the world of his thoughts by Amar as he entered the cabin only to see his boss smiling facing the Arabian sea.

"can't believe my eyes! Is this a grin or blush?just wanna affirm whether my eyes gives me good result" teased the shocked Amar. It was so strange to him.

"what's the problem? Why brought you here? "questioned Sam trying to change the topic.

" it's about that building that we took from that beast by hook-n-crook due to his maltreatment to his poor neighbors..-"he tried to remind his boss.
"yes I know what's it? "asked Sam.

"as per your command, it was rebuilt only the interior design remains. Just thinking whether you'd see it yourself "explained Amar

"OK will do that but not today " said Sam.

" didn't answer my question "said Amar.

"which question? "asked Sam knowing very well what Amar meant. Just faking ignorance.

"you know it very well Sam.  OK grinning or blushing? "said Amar.

"not any "answered Sam.

"this is the first time you lied to me.  I saw that with my naked eyes. Can I know the reason behind it? Hmm? "  Amar raised his eyebrows with a smirk teasing Sam to speak but Sam ignored him as he turned.

"Meera right? "asked Amar teasingly.
Sam frowned at this in confusion.
Amar noticed that and further added" you call her by this name.....ummm....lit...little...umn Little doe right? " he recalled.

Meera? So doll's name is Meera. Meera! How sweet. They said 'nobody is perfect ' why are you trying to be one? Thought the smiling Sam.

"see! I just confirmed it that she was the one. "said the smirking Amar as he noticed his boss smiling again.

"you are very smart Amar but bad at guessing. Do you know that? "said Sam trying to defend himself.

"you look terrible while lying do you also know that? "responded Amar.

"whatever "said Sam.

"you know you can't lie to me as I know you very well"daid Amar.

"of course,you know me very well, why not? After all we both are gays"said the irritated Sam Sarcastically.

"what? Why this dirty remark ?easy dude I didn't mean that. " said Amar shocked by his boss statement.

"then why trying to get on my nerves? Anyways I didn't mean what I said either" said Sam.

"this girl is surely different. I just affirm that "said Amar before he took his leave.
Meera entered the pub. What she saw was too dirty to her innocent eyes. Ladies swaying like yoga with revealing clothes. Some were making out at the corner.
Some were boozing while some were flirting. She immediately shifted her gaze from those.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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