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Park Chaeyoung's POV

I hurriedly went down the stairs and walked to the front door to get my car key from the key hanger beside it. I cannot believe I am late for my work for the first time in my life. I am sure my supervisor will scold me for showing up late to the hospital this morning.

Once I got my key, I walked out of the front door but I stopped reflexively knowing that I did not know where the garage is.

"Gosh, I should've toured around this house when I was free.", I said as I turned to the left and the right seeing how big the area of this house is. "Let me ask Jimin. He might know.", I turned around and thought of going to his room since he seemed to be enjoying living here from the last time I bumped into him yesterday.

"Oww!!", I shouted when I hit someone in front of me.

"What...is wrong with you?", there he is, Jimin turning around to see me with his annoyed face.

I looked down and muttered, "I'm sorry. I was in a hurry. I'm late for work and I don't know where the garage is."

"So?", he replied.

"I wanted to ask you if you know where it is.", I looked up at him with a pleading look.

"It's at the backyard. On the left side.", he answered and I quickly thanked him for it.

Then, I made my way to the back door but I slipped a little until I almost fall on the floor. I put my hands on the wall to balance myself again before I stand straight and sighed in relief for not embarrassing myself. I am sure Jimin saw me at the back there.

"Can you be careful? I know you're late but safety is much more important, do you not know that?", his voice slowly got louder as he approached me. "A doctor but don't even know how to take care of yourself.", he said as he opened the back door for me.

"Thank you.", I said for his kind gesture before I quickly went out to look at the left side of the backyard. "Uh..Jimin-ssi..?", I said as I turned to see him standing next to me. "There's no..."

"You think I opened the door for you? Please...", Jimin cut me off as he clicked on a switch beside the door.

I heard a sound of something opening and saw that the grass on the left went down like a door. Jimin walked over there and I realized that the garage is in the basement. Jimin looked at me and shouted for my name.

Park Jimin's POV

"Park Chaeyoung!", I shouted as I unlocked my car.

When I saw her coming to my way, I started the engine and rolled the window down to speak to her.

"Where are you going to?", I asked as I saw her going to go to her car.

"The hospital.", she said as she unlocked her car.

"I know that. What I meant is why are you going there? To your car.", I said as I looked at her clumsily put her handbag at the passenger's seat with the strap stuck on the door she closed. "Come in here. I'll send you to the hospital.", I said as I saw how fretful she is at the moment. "I don't think you can drive carefully when you're not relaxed like that.", I added as I opened the door to the passenger's seat of my car.

When she got in, I set the navigation map to locate the hospital and started to drive us out of the house.


Less than 15 minutes, we arrived at the main entrance of Ha-Neul Hospital after I took a shortcut to avoid getting stuck in the morning traffic. Even though our country has announced lockdown for the entire states, people can still go to work and I am sure the road will stillget packed with vehicles at these kind of hours.

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