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Park Jimin's POV

As much as I got scared of the possibility that I am infected with the virus, I felt even more worried for Chaeyoung after the call we had. She sounded tensed and worried at the same time. Even though I tried to tell her that I did not feel any symptoms, her crying voice just made me worried more.

After the call, I hurriedly find Jungkook and told him that we had to go to the hospital. He was confused but he still followed me. While driving to the hospital, I told him why we were on our way to the hospital and he got a little anxious once he knew the reason why.

When we arrived at the hospital, we went to the respective location to get tested and had to wait for our turn for almost two hours since there were a lot of people coming for the same reason. At 3.30 PM, we had ourselves tested and told to go home while waiting for the test result. When we were on our way to my car, I saw Chaeyoung who seemed to be taking something from her car.

"Hey, Chae...", I stopped when Chaeyoung suddenly got inside the driver's seat and locked herself in her car. "Chaeyoung?", I called as she took out her phone and called me.

I frowned as I answered the call.

"Hey, why don't you just open the window..."

"I can't...you...have you done the test?", Chaeyoung cut me off as she looked at me while talking to me through the phone.

I nodded.

"Have you got the result?", she asked in her quavering voice.

I shook my head, "They said we should get a message later to know the result."

She nodded, "Did they tell you anything else?"

"The nurse said we should go straight home and wait for the result that will be given within 24 hours.", I told her and she nodded again.

"Then, go home now.", Chaeyoung said before asking to talk with Jungkook.

I gave my phone to him and I could see what she mouthed at him.

"Please make sure Jimin is alright, Jungkook. Bring him home now and please stay home until everything is clear.", she said to Jungkook as I watched her eyes getting teary in the car.

"Don't worry, Dr Park. How about you? Have you got your result?", Jungkook turned on the loudspeaker so I could hear her voice too.

"Not yet. That's why I'm here, isolating myself from everyone even though they said the percentage I am positive is low.", she told us.

Jungkook replied, "I hope that you're not infected, Dr Park. About us, you don't have to worry. I don't think we're infected but of course we still need to get the result first. If there's anything, we will inform you soon. Don't worry, okay?"

I could only watch as I felt something tugging in my heart. I cannot bear seeing Chaeyoung's tears. I feel like hugging her, comforting her but there is no way I could do that now.

"Thanks, Jungkook. Now, please go. Take Jimin home and stay there. We'll meet later when everything's okay.", Chaeyoung said before Jungkook ended the conversation.

I stayed glued on the ground before Jungkook pulled me to go to my car. My eyes did not leave her car even though we already about to leave the parking area. Jungkook drove my car as I stayed quiet thinking of Chaeyoung alone in her car.


Park Chaeyoung's POV

After getting the message that said I am negative, I told Jimin as soon as I can and asked how is he doing at home. He must be nervous waiting for his own test result. Hopefully he gets the same result as I am.

While I waited for the elevator to continue working, I got a call.

"Jimin?", I got startled to see his name on the screen. He never called me first. "Hi, Jimin.", I tried to relax as I answered the call.

"Hey, Chae..how are you?", he asked.

"I...I'm okay. How about you? Are you at home?", I asked him back. To be honest, I am worried about him. If only I could go home, I would have done so but I know there is no use even if I go home. I cannot hug him.

Jimin told me that he has been home with Jungkook and stayed inside for the whole day. "I wonder when I'll get my test result. Hopefully I get it before midnight.", he said as he sighed at the end of his words.

"You'll get it soon. Just wait a little more, okay?", I told him as I checked the time on my watch. Still have 3 hours before midnight.

"Yeah, I will wait for it. Only then, I can go to sleep.", Jimin replied to me. "Chaeyoung, what are you doing right now? Are you..back to work or..."

"Mhmm, I'm going back to work. Why?", I told him.

He sounded like he was drinking before he replied, "You'll be back home two days from now, right?"

I nodded as I said yes to it.

"Okay, then. Let's meet two days from now.", he responded. "I hope I'm negative too so I can hug you when you're back.", he added.

I was stunned with his words. Did he really say he will hug me when I'm home?

"Chaeyoung..?", I blinked when I realized I was not responding to him calling my name.

"Y..yes, Jimin.", I stuttered to reply.

"Please don't cry at work.", he said to me and I chuckled to it.

I covered my mouth before telling him, "I don't cry at work, Jimin."

He disagreed, "You cried the last time I came to bring your clothes and you had tears when we met at the parking area."

I got speechless as he told me all that moments I cried.

"Please don't cry again when I can't hug you. I feel useless, Chaeyoung.", he sounded sad at the other end.

"Jimin...I promise I won't cry. Wait for me to come home, okay?", I told him as I hold the tears that forming in my eyes. "But...you'll have to make sure you're negative first, okay?", I added just to make the conversation a little less saddening.

Jimin chuckled to my words, "I'll inform you as soon as I got the result."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later? I have to get back to work now.", I replied as I checked my watch again.

"Okay, Chaeyoung. Talk to you later.", he said before we both said goodbye.

I got in the elevator and smiled recalling our conversation.

"Please be negative, Jimin.", I prayed inside my heart while imagining how my day will be when I get home.


Hi, guys! We're at chapter 21 now. I'm planning to write till 40 chapters and that means half way of the story is done. How did you think of the story so far? 🤔

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