Part 13

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"Why isn't she home yet?" Mark asked as he paced around the dorm. "She's probably just playing with her friends. You know how she is." Jackson tried to comfort his hyung though it was clear that he was worried as well. Mia was never late since she hated being away from her family. She would run out of school hoping she could see them as soon as possible.

As the boys exchanged worried glances trying to call Minji they heard the main door open as Minji followed Mia into the dorm. Mark sighed in relief that she wasn't hurt but his relief turned to worry as she ignored the boys and ran to her room. 

"Was Mia crying?" Jinyoung asked as he was sure he saw tears on her cheeks. Minji nodded sadly as she placed the little girls stuff on the table. "Why is Mia crying?" Mark asked as he got up to check on her. "Her friend, Hyuna, she's moving to the US." Minji explained what she had figured out by the crying girl and Jae.

Mark was about to head up to his daughters room to talk to her when BamBam stood up. "Hyung. If it's okay with you can I check on her?" Mark looked reluctant but Jinyoung pulled him back to the couch. "Go ahead Bam. Hyung he knows what he's doing. Trust him." Mark nodded as Bambam headed to Mias room.

Mia was curled up on the bear Jackson got her while holding onto Mimi as she cried her eyes out. Bambam could hear the little girl crying as he knocked on the door before entering. "Hi baby." Mia looked up at him as she rushed into his open arms seeking comfort. For a few minutes Bambam sat on the floor just hugging Mia as she cried.

Finally he placed her in his lap wiping away her tears. "Is Hyuna leaving?" Mia nodded sniffling as Bambam spoke again "And you're sad." Mia agreed with his statement "Hyuna gonna forget Jae and me." Bam shook his head smiling slightly "She won't forget you. I'm sure one day you both will see each other again. Did you give her the bracelet you and Yugyeom made. " Mia nodded once again before showing her own identical bracelet.

"Well as long as she has that she'll remember you and when you both meet again those bracelets will let you know that it's your friend." bambam smiled as Mia nodded hugging him "Thank you." Bambam kissed her hair gently "Remember princess in life many people will become your friends and a lot of them will leave but that doesn't mean that you stop trusting in friends."

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