Part 12

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"Appa! We'll be fine!" The little girl said pulling away from her father who was fussing over her. "Yeah hyung. I can take care of Mia." Yugyeom said leaning against the doorframe. Mark looked up from his daughter glaring at him before turning his attention back to his daughter.

"If anything happens you call me or Jackson or Jinyoung. Got it?" Mia nodded "You've said it ten times. You even made me memorise your number." Mark sighed as he stood up turning to the maknae.

"She better not have a scratch on her." He glared as Yugyeom nodded. "Hyung let's go!" Jackson called from the main door. "Coming!" Mark replied. "Be safe baby." He said kissing Mias cheek before following the rest of the boys out of the dorm.

All the boys had some schedule for the day. Yugyeom being the only one free was suppose to take care of Mia and Mark was not ready to leave his daughter alone with the 97 liner. If it had been for a few hour maybe they would have been fine but it was over night.

"Why can't one of us take her with us?" He asked as he looked at his phone waiting for Mia to call. "You're all gonna be busy and she would be bored. Plus it's a school night." Their manager replied before resuming his conversation with JB.

"So what does the princess want to do?" Yugyeom asked as they finished lunch. They had already seen a movie and were now thinking of what to do. Mia gasped as an idea came to her. She ran to her room returning with a box. "Oh isn't that the bracelet making kit?" Yugyeom asked recognising the box. Mia nodded placing it on the ground.

"Whose do you wanna make first?" Yugyeom asked once everything had been put in place. "Appa!" Mia shouted as Yugyeom shook his head muttering "Should have known."  The two played music through their blue tooth speakers as Mia told Yugyeom which colours and accessories/beads to use.

"Samchon! Lets dance!" Mia shouts as Growl played. The two were just jumping around as they danced to a few other of Mias favourite songs which just included EXO, SHINEE and of course Got7.

"Sun for Youngjae Samchon because he's a sun! Tree for JB Samchon. Snake for Bammie samchon! Heart for Appa. Puppy for Jackson and Nyoungie cause they're Wang Gae Park Gae. Star for Gyeom Samchon. Crown for me!" Mia explained as she separated all the accessories. They ended up making everyones bracelets with one colour of the rainbow and then Mias which had all seven colours.

"These look pretty." Yugyeom complimented as the two helped each other wear the bracelets. "Now for Jae and Hyuna!" Mia said as they made three more bracelets. Mias was red. Jaes was yellow and Hyunas was aqua green. Three accessories, a rose, a dolphin and a lightning bolt. "You can give these to them at school tomorrow and when you return we'll give the hyungs their bracelets."

The duo ended up ordering lunch as they were too lazy to make anything. "Mia your Appas calling!" Yugyeom called making the younger whine as he accepted the face time request. "Hi baby!" Mark smiled waving as his daughter payed no attention to him focusing on the screen. "She's watching Tom&Jerry, isn't she?" Jackson asked as he laughed.

"Mia don't you miss your Appa?" Mark asked pouting as Mia shook her head "Nope." Jinyoung laughed as he wrapped an arm around Mark "Well then can we keep him?" Jinyoung asked as the little girl nodded "Appa stay with Nyoungie. Let me watch Tom&Jerry." Mark gasped dramatically as the Jinson duo laughed.

"Alright! Time for bed Princess!" Yugyeom called making the little girl groan "Please Samchon!" She asked looking at him with wide eyes "One more episode." Yugyeom chuckled shaking his head "Bed time now. Come on I'll tell you a story."

The two were cuddled up In Yugyeom bed, Mias stuffed teddy, Mimi, in her arms as Yugyeom told her stories from their debut days. Before they knew it the two were fast asleep resulting in missing Marks call.

Yugyeom woke up early the next morning to get Mia ready for school. Minji would be there in 80 minutes to pick her up. Checking his phone he noticed all the texts and calls from the members so he quickly sent them a picture of Mia sleeping apologising that he had fallen asleep as well.

"Princess! Wake up, it's time for school." Yugyeom said as he picked up the little girl taking her to  have break fast. Half asleep they somehow managed to finish the cereal before getting Mia ready for school. 

"Lets leave your hair down today. It looks prettier that way."  Yugyeom said brushing her hair. Mia giggled as she looked at him through the vanity mirror "You're saying because you can't tie hair." Yugyeom stuck his tongue out at her teasingly as the door opened and Minji walked in.

"Ready?" She asked as the little girl nodded jumping to grab her hand. "Mia don't forget the bracelets!" Yugyeom called after her making her gasp as she ran to get the bracelets she made for her friends.

"Bye Samchon!" Mia shouted as she walked out of the door "Bye Princess!" Yugyeom waved as he watched the little girl get in the car before returning to the dorm to clean up before the hyungs got back.

School sucks. I have exams soon and I don't wanna study. It literally took me so long to write this. Anyways I'm most likely gonna meet up with my best friends this weekend. They live in a different city and I haven't seen three of them in nearly 2 years! I met one in December when she came over. I hope my Dad doesn't get an urgent meeting like the past 5 times we planned to visit.

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