The visit

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Pico and Keith had been dating for a few weeks now, but Keith always went to work in the morning and came back later in the evening. Pico had a lot of free time on his hands, occasionally doing his light flower work, he had to spray his lavender flowers with water and even gave them a trim. He needed too, he wasn't feeling motivated but since the relationship happened he's been feeling....content. While trimming and watering his plants he normally taken care of, he heard his phone ring. He takes out his phone. 'Oh ...its her...' Pico sighed and answered "hey, what's up?" Tabitha was on the other end (AKA GF.) "Hey pico~ I was wondering if you were free. I wanted to come over ." hearing her voice always sent chills down his spine, considering their past he was her ex....but he always been friends with her, despite their separation. "Mmmh....I'm free. No ones home...." He didn't tell Tabitha that Keith had been living with him for a while ever since Keith and Tabby split.  She was his abuser non the less....he didn't like them being seen together. Tabitha never hit Pico, but only because he never allowed her too. She always made him slightly uncomfortable however.

"I'll see you soon pico. Won't be long~" she giggled and hung up, Pico scoffed, always pushy. He always thought he was the pushy one, but her? Completely different. 'I gotta be careful when tabitha comes over.....she might try something sketchy.' He thought to himself.  Not sooner then later, the door was knocked on. He knew it was her because she had a rythemic knock every time she came over. Pico sighs and puts his watering can up after tending to his flowers, he walked over to the door and opened it. There she was, in her casual red dress that always fitted her so well, always wearing those black heels, her long hair. She was attractive and he feared the worse when she knew she was attractive. She wasn't the type to be insecure. "Pico!💖" She ran towards him immediately and embraced him. He wasn't sure what she was up too, he awkwardly hugged her back. "You never hugged me out of the blue before....what's going on?" Tabitha gave her usual smile that always ticked pico off "oh nothing. Just missed my best buddy is all. " she closed the door with her foot. Pico felt cornered immediately she was walking forward and he was backing up, he didn't want her anywhere near him yet she was standing right over him. She always got her way....she was spoiled, her parents raised her like this. "" Pico suddenly bought up as he was basically pressed against the wall at this point, he couldn't back up anymore and she was just staring at him with her deep black eyes in his milky whites. He felt himself begin to sweat nervously. "Yes!" Tabitha took his hand and forced pico into the kitchen with her, sat pico down. "I'll make it. Where is your coffee usually Placed?" She asks, already looking around "I...uh"

"Found it!" She found the coffee before he even got the chance to answer. Why was she here? Did she want something? She definitely wanted something...he just couldnt put his finger on it. Tabitha walks over once she preps the coffee with two hot mugs in her hands. "Careful, its hot." She gave the coffee cup to him as if she was a waitress at a coffee shop. "Thanks?" He turned to face the table to lay the coffee onto the surface to let it cool, meanwhile she was already sipping on hers. "Eh.....if you don't mind me asking..." He broke the awkward silence "....why did you come over? I thought your parents thought I was a bad influence." Tabitha stopped drinking her coffee and placed it onto her lap,she wasn't exactly phased by heat, it came from her mothers side. "They're just silly....they worry about me a lot Pico....I have a question for you however. " for some reason, he felt the air getting thicker for some reason. He felt tense. Tabitha smiled her usual smile and gets up, walking behind Pico and putting her hands on his musculer shoulders and began to massage them. "What are you doing?" Pico asked, he felt the muscles in his shoulders relax immediately, she did used to be a massage therapist before. He just never seen her act this way. "Oh nothing, just thought I'd relax your tension. I noticed you've been acting uptight since I've got here...I just want to help." Pico let out a soft sigh and sipped on his coffee, she was right, it was burned his throat, but he didn't care, it felt good. "What was that question you wanted to ask me?" He says, placing the cup down, Tabitha continued to massage him "I....was more worried about Keith. He just dumped me out of no where.....there was a bullet flying and I wasn't sure where it came from...whoever was there was protecting him. Was it you?" Tabitha asked, Pico froze, stopped for a second. Time seemed to stop for only a split second. Pico felt his ears ringing and he shook his head, snapping out of it. "I think you might have me mistaken for someone else." Pico lied, why'd he just lie? He didn't hurt her....he was only scaring her. Tabitha leaned forward and laid her chest onto Pico's back, her face was in his hair. "I wonder who else it could have been. Implying you haven't done it makes it a lot deeper. .." Tabitha walks over and sits on Pico's lap, Pico felt himself tense up again.".....err...." Tabitha giggled, she knew what she was doing. Tabitha knew Pico as a man who'd sleep with anyone, even her.  She knew of his past life ,about the school shooting incident which made pico today,she moved her legs over to were she was facing forward now dragging her hands down his musculer chest. Pico blinked, noticing how touchy she was getting, Tabitha moved closer only cenemeters away from his lips, Pico could have taken this chance, but he didn't feel right...he couldn't forgive her after she hurt keith. He looked away.

Tabitha blinked in confusion "hmm? What's wrong?" She says, scooting herself closer to him on his lap,their bodies were pressed together. Pico wasnt even turned on, he was just frustrated. "Nothing I just....can't." Tabitha blinked "you can't?" Pico  nodded, Tabitha giggled and leaned forward again "yes you can~ silly. Did you forget you want me to teach you?" She was forcing herself onto him. " don't-" she kissed pico deeply, causing Pico's eyes to widen, he didn't kiss back, nor move. It felt like hours, or was it minutes? Seconds? Tabitha broke the kiss,Pico heavily huffed from the lack of air. "What...the hell?" Pico felt fury building up in his body, but he didnt want to get mad at her. Tabitha tilted her head "pico....why are you acting so strange?" Pico shook his head "I ....just don't want to sleep with you."   Tabitha tilted her head to the side " have some sort of relationship or Something?" Pico went silent, he couldnt tell her he was in a relationship with Keith, he didnt want too, it would put Keith in danger. "...."

Tabitha softly smiled and got off of Pico, it made him relax finally.  "Its okay, you dont have to tell me but....its disappointing." Pico let out a sigh , Tabitha finished her coffee and so did Pico, Pico naturally got up and washed both of their cups and placed it back onto the cabinet. Tabitha got up and stretched, smiling at Pico. "I think I'm going to go now. I just wanted to stop by...if you see keith...tell him I say hello." Pico wasn't paying her much attention, but he nodded "yeah...I'll do that." Tabitha leaves the apartment, causing Pico to stagger backwards and sit down on his chair, his heart was racing. 'The hell was that?' He placed his hands on the sides of his head, his head hurt....he didn't know why. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh "its not your didn't kiss her back.." For some reason, he still felt her hands massaging his back, he was more relaxed then when she came here...what was her deal?

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