First Day Back

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I'M RESTLESS. This is my first official day back. The school is under construction and our usual morning assembly had taken place in the small auditorium. The children and their parents had been squished in so closely that the room was suffocating. But everyone showed and listened to the principal, shoulder to shoulder with some standing and others sitting. His words had fallen on my deaf ears. I hadn't listen to a word but I had known everything he was going to talk about from our constant meetings.

At the assembly all I could think about was how I was going to be able to help these kids cope.

How was I going to cope?

I hold my box of supplies and don't move, because for a moment I'm standing in front of my old office that's in rubble. Soot covers the air and no light comes from the covered window. The box leaving my hands snaps me from my reverie and Owen's next to me.

As if knowing exactly what I need he bends down and kisses me. My eyes close and my heart stills in peace.

It's been a few days into our new relationship and we've already had some meaningless fights, but I'm so elated and happy. No matter what we fight about I always stop and realize that I'm not arguing with Owen my brotherly friend, but my Owen... mine.

When he had kissed me on the baseball field I felt like he was revitalizing me with every touch of our lips and words. Not only did I want him, but I needed him.

And I need him now.

He's my source of strength, courage and peace that God delivered to me after years of patience.

He pulls away. "I love you."

I smile because I know what's in that I love... he's proud. "Love you too."

We go into the office and he helps me with getting my side fixed up. When we're done I limp over to him and wrap my arms around him. He kisses my head. "I hate to leave you but I've got to go. My shift starts soon."

I nod into his strong chest. "Be safe."


He walks to the door but before he leaves he turns back to me. "You've got this and if it helps let me give you a friendly reminder that tomorrow will be our first date." He starts shutting the door but not before saying darkly, "prepare yourself."

I smile. Finally. There's a knock and I look up to see Emily.

"Emily? What are you doing here?" I ask limping over to her.

She prances in and makes me sit back down as she sits at the chair in front of me. "I admire you."

My eyes widen and she continues, "I acted like I didn't remember you when you came with Owen to the pie shop because I was always intimidated by you. When I would go to the baseball games with my friends they all made fun of you when you screamed at the fences, but I always thought how freeing and courageous it was."

...And He's Back (Book One, Breaking Open Series)Where stories live. Discover now