Chapter 15

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Aaaahhhhhhh, the good ol' days. 533 reads, 30 votes, and nine comments 😂 (pictured above lmao).
No joke tho, we've come so far since then (5.52k reads, 227 votes, 90 comments, and #15 out of 1000+ in collaboration) and neither one of us thought it would get over 1k reads, so thank you :)

I cringed so much re-reading through the earlier chapters that I wrote, like god some of it was very, very cringe.

Also, hey doods, guess what?

   This is the last chapter!!!!!

   I'm sorry if it ends in a less than satisfactory way, but it was just time for it to happen, y'know? Anywho, I've said this probably way too much, but thank you to all of you wonderful people reading this right now and without further ado, I present the final chapter of A Beautiful Beginning (be prepared, the ending is cliche as hell 😂).

(3rd person p.o.v.)

   "And then Luna and I went to the Shrieking Shack to test her theory, and turns out, she was 100% correct. We found him passed out from blood loss in a dull, windowless room. He was bleeding from his head and wrists, so I tended to him while Luna found my father, immobilized him, and sent a patronus —you'll find out about those when it's your turn to go to Hogwarts— to Professor McGonagall. Soon after, my father was once again sentenced to Azkaban, except now his punishments were much harsher. Later on, when Harry woke up in the wizard hospital, I asked him to be mine, and the rest is history," Draco recounted to his and Harry's two adopted daughters, without going into too much detail, such as how he almost broke down at the sight of how bad Harry looked, how many spells were shot back and forth between Lucius, Luna, and himself before help actually came, or how "harsher punishments" referred to his father getting sentenced to the dementors kiss. Draco had been so scared that he had lost Harry for good, but couldn't have been happier when he woke up six days later in St. Mungos. Luna had been with him that day; she saw the tears of relief, the love, the happiness. It was her that predicted right then and there — if only to herself at the time, and later on to Draco — that those two boys were going to get married, and actually stay together unlike most.
"But, daddy, how did the notes keep finding you?" asked Ruby, their eldest at nine, as her long, wavy, silver hair framed her innocent face, and brought out the gold in her round eyes.
"Well, pumpkin, it turns out that two of your papa and I's former friends were assisting my father in his plans. A redhead that went by the name of Ginny slipped the riddle into my pocket, and told Luna the false claim that Hagrid needed Harry, while one of my old friends named Astoria Greengrass (honestly don't know if I spelt that right lol) delivered my father's letter, and left my father's note in the forest on the tree for me to find. Both were never found guilty because Astoria was later found dead in one of Hogwart's many greenhouses, most likely due to my father, and Harry would've felt awful for taking away another one of the Weasley's children, even though he never took away Fred," Draco replied, mumbling that last part; he wasn't ready to get into all that with them.
"Did you ask papa to marry you after you saved him and he was all better?" Holly, their other adopted daughter at five, asked, blinking her eyes — one green, one blue — up at Draco.
"Believe it or not, it was actually papa who asked me. He was very romantic about it too. We had been dating for about four years at that point, and he took me out to dinner at this fancy muggle restaurant with flowers, and then he proposed in front of all those people," Draco said with a fond look in his eyes, while pushing a strand of her slick, black hair behind her ear.
"You should've seen his face, girls. It went so red," a voice said from the doorway. Draco jumped in fright, then laughed out, "Don't do that, jerk. You scared the life out of me."
"Sorry," Harry said with a false guilty face on, "I just came to see if Holly and Ruby were ready for bed."
"Yeah, I was just finishing tucking them in." Both girls were reluctant to go to bed, but after many attempts to get them under the covers and a "promise" involving a future pony, —"A hippogriff would've been more fun," mumbled Harry— they were finally settled, and soon out like a light.
Draco and Harry soon followed in their daughters actions, exchanging "I love you's,"and climbed in bed, Harry spooning Draco from behind. As Draco listened to his husband's — he was still quite buzzing about that title even after two years — light snores, he was brought back to a time when he was so scared of another's touch in fear of being attacked, of another's company in fear of being manipulated, of another's trust in fear of being used, and all because of one person so close to him, he couldn't even be rid of until six years ago. But all of that did not matter right now; what mattered was everything he had gained since then. Draco had Harry, Draco had his daughters, Draco had a stable job alongside Harry, Draco had a house he shared with his lovely family, Draco had friends he valued and trusted, Draco had happiness — something he hadn't experienced til Harry saved him from committing suicide that fateful day. And hot damn, did that lead to A Beautiful Beginning.

~* The End *~

And there you have it. I'll leave this story up on here, but tbh it'll probably be the first and last drarry story I write/co-write 😂. Currently I'm working on something in my drafts and have 3 other story ideas too, so yay. As always, hope you enjoyed, and your support —no matter how you choose to show it— will always be appreciated.

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