*Chapter Four*

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This ones a long one ;)

   After Draco had calmed down back on the astronomy tower, Harry had suggested that they go back inside to the Great Hall, which had been cleared and filled with cots, to try and get some sleep. Draco had agreed, although he was understandably reluctant. Harry had promised to protect him, and after only a moment more of persuasion, the blonde had given in, knowing that he would need the rest to be able to help in the reconstruction effort that was beginning in the morning.
  Now, the boys were lying on two cots in the corner of the Hall, facing each other. After wishing the ravenette a good night, Draco drew out a wand that he had found on the way here and cast silencing charms around their sleeping area.
  "What are those for?" asked Harry with a puzzled look.
  "I usually wake up screaming in the middle of the night," Draco explained, "so I've gotten in the habit of casting silencing charms before I go to bed so I don't wake anyone up." He looked more than a little embarrassed, and Harry wished he knew how to tell him it was nothing to be ashamed of.
  "You're not the only one," mumbled the Gryffindor, hoping the other didn't hear. Unfortunately for him, he'd said it just a bit louder than he'd intended.
  "Nightmares too?"
  "I'm sorry. That sucks..."
  Harry hummed in response and said goodnight once more before pulling the thin blanket over his shoulders and closing his eyes, with the other quickly following suit.

*Harry's dream (Harry's POV)*
  The graveyard from fourth year swims slowly into view. I can make out a large group of figures, among which are thirteen Death Eaters in dark hoods and around a dozen others. The Dark Lord's followers are standing in a circle, surrounding the other people.
  I creep forwards, ducking behind large statues and headstones, trying to get a better look. Suddenly, a stick snaps underfoot and someone in the center of the group turns around slowly. I can see his face now, from the grey skin to the flat nose to the red, snake-like eyes.
  "Ah! Mr. Potter! Why don't you join us?" His familiar voice sends chills down my spine, but I nevertheless walk to the center of the circle, where Voldemort and the other people are. Now that I was closer, I could distinguish their familiar faces.
  With me in the circle are my mom, my dad, Remus, Sirius, Tonks, Dumbledore, Dobby, Fred, Snape, and Cedric. Their hands are bound their backs, their faces streaked with grime, tears and blood. Overhead, a snowy owl is circling lazily, and I know that it's Hedwig, even though she isn't the only snowy owl in the world. As I stare around at their despairing expressions, I hear a chuckle from right beside me.
  "You've come just in time for the show, Potter. Why don't you stand over there and watch?" Voldemort gestured to a spot about twenty feet away, and my feet started moving towards it without my consent. I couldn't move anything of my own will, as though I were only a passenger in my body.
  As I stand near the edge of the circle, the Dark Lord takes out his wand, pointing it at my mother.
  "Are you watching, Potter?" Without waiting for an answer, which I couldn't have given anyways, since I couldn't speak, he shouts, "Crucio!" There's a flash of light, and my mum falls to the ground, screaming. Her long red hair fans out over the grass as she writhes in pain. I try to shout, to run to her, to do something, but all I can do is watch. After about five minutes, Voldemort seems to grow bored, and kills her with a simple flick of his wand and a flash of green light.
  "What a wonderful hero he is," he declares to everyone in the graveyard, "he who watches his mother cry out in pain and die, and yet does nothing. Tell me, Potter, why didn't you help her? Why didn't save her? Where has your Gryffindor courage gone now? Are you really so cowardly and weak that you cannot save those that are dear to you?"
  I try to scream at him, to deny it, but I can't. Maybe that's because I know he's right. He continues on, repeating the same process of torturing then killing everyone in the circle, before at last shooting a bolt of green light up into the air, causing Hedwig's body to fall to the earth with a solid thump.
  "No, no, please no..." I sob internally, but on the outside my expression remains stoic, only a single tear escaping the corner of my eye.
  "And now, 'Boy Who Lived,' it is finally your turn." There's a bright flash of green, and I scream.
*End of dream*

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