~Chapter Six~

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Bet you thought I was dead.  Well, jokes on you because I'm very much alive and isolation is boring so here's another chapter. I'm so sorry XD  I'll ask Clarissa about who's going to write the next chapter, but I hope this'll quench your drarry thirst for a couple days :)

     And we're back again with another episode of  Drarry: Will They or Won't They? and I bet you want all the juicy news. Well currently Harry, poor boy, is riding out his panic attack in peace by the Black Lake, while Draco Malfoy is currently wondering if his thoughts are going to drive him straight into insanity. Let's take a closer look, shall we?


     'This isn't that bad, it could be worse,' Harry miserably thought to himself.  Memories that he thought were buried deep inside the walls of his mind, suddenly decided to resurface.



    "I'm so sorry Uncle Vernon, I promise I didn't mean to drop your...*slap*"

    "I'm locking you in your room, and you will not be given any food until your uncle sees you worthy of it."


  *sobs* "When am I going to be good enough?"

   "You'll never be good enough.  Not with such filth tainting your blood. Your stupid mother and father were freaks and so are you. I hope you rot in hell with them."


    "Come along Dudley, you don't need to be associated with this worthless freak."


    Harry was left gasping for breath after each new memory with his time at the Dursley's seeped through his mind. The ground was swaying dangerously, and Harry questioned why he was still standing. Thankfully this panic attack only lasted a mere few minutes. Any longer and taking a very long, permanent swim with the giant squid would've seemed like a dream come true.
    The memories Harry had just experienced hurt like a bitch -which honestly greatly surprised him.  If Harry had had the choice, he would've chosen to live anywhere but with the Dursley's. They were so unpredictable; one minute Uncle Vernon would be chatting happily with his wife and son, but the moment Harry would walk in, he'd put on a damn good RBF to match his wife's permanent one, and want to starve him with the rats.  It was obvious the whole lot didn't appreciate him in all his innocent glory.
     And if Harry didn't think his day could get any shittier -it's a beautiful word, I know- Draco fucking Malfoy started to walk towards him.  Harry really needed to teach Ron how to be more convincing when unknowingly telling lies.
    "What the hell Harry?! Weasley said you were talking to McGonagall, but I saw right through him. Now, why on Merlin's beard did you think it necessary to lie to everyone?"
     If there was ever a competition for internal sighs, Harry would 192% win it right now.
     "First off, don't 'what the hell' me. Second, chill your tits. It was nothing, I just needed some fresh air, and where better to get it than with a giant squid?"
     "Nothing? That's what you call nothing? You were having a fucking panic attack Harry!  And there are people that can -and want- to help you for gods sake!" Draco said his next sentence much quieter than his little outburst. "You just have to let them."
      Harry was honestly going to be the death of Draco if these acts of his continued. Draco at least needed to confess his crush to Harry before that happened. He just hoped it wouldn't actually put both of them 6 feet under before he even got the chance.


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