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Jay's feet pad quietly against the wooden deck of the Bounty, the early Sunday sunlight, poking through between the clouds. Jay smiles as the warm rays hit his face. She'd look so beautiful in this light. Shaking his head, he rests his chin on the railing and looks out.

Sensei had given them the day off, which is rare. While most of the others were staying inside with their significant other, Jay had planned a special date with Nya. A soft thump makes Jay turn around. A bright smile adorns his face when he sees who it is. His yang is leaning against the doorframe, her hair messed up from her sleep, his dark blue hoodie clinging to her curves. She looks up at him, a tired look in her eyes.

"What are you doing out here?" Her angelic voice rings through the silence.

"Well, I was admiring the sunset, but now that you're here.."

A bright blush dusts across Nya's cheeks. It's rare she sees this side of Jay, but when she does, she loves it.  She slowly walks over to him, wrapping her arms around his torso and resting her head on his chest. Jay wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her hair.

"Y'know what day it is today JayJay?"

"A better question is, do you?"

A nod and a giggle against his chest answer the question. Jay tightens his grip on her waist and rests his head on hers.

"The sun's pretty."

"Not as pretty as you."


"Why would I?" 

A low groan from his yang, makes him chuckle and peck her on the forehead. Pulling away from him, Nya grabs the collar of his nightshirt, pulls him down and smashes her lips against his. A sound of surprise escapes Jay's lips before he kisses back, wrapping his arms around her waist. Nya slips her arms around his neck and leans against him.


"Just one more minute," Jay murmurs to his girlfriend.

Nya pouts and tries to pry Jay's hands off her eyes.

"Ah, no."

"But I wanna see."

"In a minute sweetie."

Jay takes her hand and leads her to the destination he'd planned out. Jay lifts his hands off her eyes, allowing her eyes to adjust to the sudden light.

"We're...at Mega Monster Amusement Park?"

Jay nods rapidly, his eyes sparkling with excitement. A light smile comes across Nya's face. He's so cute. Taking his hand, Nya pulls him inside and towards the biggest rollercoaster.


The sunset glows behind them, as Jay and Nya cuddle on the Ferris wheel. Nya rests her head on his shoulder and holds his hand. Jay rests his head on hers and wraps an arm around her back.

"I know it's late, but will you be my Valentine?"

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