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Seliel taps her foot nervously. It's been almost eight months since she last saw her boyfriend. Sure they'd called each other and FaceTimed, it just wasn't the same without him. Pulling her earphones out, she looks around the busy airport, hoping to see some sign of shaggy raven hair in a bun.

"Come on, come on."

"Looking for me?"

Jumping in surprise, Seliel turns around to see Cole behind her. She runs and jumps into his arms. He picks her up and spins her around, causing her to squeal and grip his arms. He puts her down and presses his lips onto hers. She kisses back and snakes her arms around his neck. He pulls away, making Seliel blink up at him.

"Why did you-"

"I have something to ask you."

Fishing in his hoodie pocket, he pulls out a yin yang medallion out of his pocket, tied around a black string. He takes her hand and gets down on one knee.

"I love you so much...will you be my yang?"

Seliel blinks down at him. Cole's shaking like a leaf, terrified for the answer.


Jumping down into his arms, she flings her arms around his neck and cries softly into his shoulder. He stands up and picks her up in one arm.

"C'mon, let's go home."

Will you be my Valentine?Where stories live. Discover now