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Of course they attack on Valentines Day! Jay and Nya have gone out. Cole and Seliel are going out in the afternoon. No one has seen Zane or Pixal this morning.

Kai kicks one of the Nindroids in the face, drawing his sword and setting fire to said sword. A roar catches Kai's attention. An orange dragon flies down onto the street and the rider flips onto the floor. The hood flips down and Kai can't fight off the blush dusting across his cheeks. Skylor turns to him and smiles, pulling out her own katana.

"Need some help?"

Kai ducks as she fires a ball of ice at the Nindroid behind him.

"Maybe a little," Kai rubs the back of his neck, forming a ball of fire above his hand.

Kai pulls Skylor into an alleyway and the pair keep their swords drawn in front of them.

"Wanna be my yang?"


And they spend the next hour fighting off Nindroids.

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