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Chloe looked up. School started in around 10 minutes so everyone was hanging out in the court and on the steps, waiting for their friends to arrive. Chloe sighed. Friends, she didn't have any and with what she did yesterday, she was sure she wasn't going to have any anytime soon. She turned to her right. There was a building there. The store wasn't open today so it was very dark inside, making the windows reflective. Chloe looked at herself, turned back to the school, and started to walk again. 
She walked up the steps towards the entrance. No one seemed to take notice of her, unlike normal. Maybe because she didn't look like she did normally... Maybe because she walked here like everyone else instead of taking a fancy car... Maybe because she wasn't bashing everyone while Sabrina was behind her checking all of her homework.
Speaking of Sabrina, Chloe turned around. She always wondered what Sabrina did while she waited for her to get to school. Sabrina was standing politely on a pole looking up and down the street. Just by looking at her anyone could tell how tired she was. She had dark circles under her eyes and her legs were shaking from standing for so long.
Chloe looked at the clock in the school.


School started in 2 minutes. Sabrina was still waiting for Chloe to get there, but she was right here. Everyone headed into the school except for Sabrina. Chloe decided to help. She walked down the steps towards her and picked up her bag.

"Come on Sabrina, let's get inside."

Sabrina looked at her. She looked like she was calculating but then she said,


Chloe looked Sabrina in the eyes, nodded, and grabbed her arm gently. She tugged and dragged Sabrina into the school.

"We're going to be late."

"B-But, what are you wearing? Where's y-your normal jacket? Why is your h-hair down?"

"I'll explain later."

Chloe let go of Sabrina's arm so that she could open Madam Bustier's door. She gestured for Sabrina to go first and then she followed, closing the door behind them. 
They walked towards their seats and sat down, Chloe setting down both hers and Sabrina's bags on the desk. 
A few seconds later, the bell rung, signaling for the class to start. 
The students in the class were all looking at Chloe, including Sabrina. She looked different, she seemed different. She held the door open for Sabrina and carried her bag into the classroom...
The students' thoughts were interrupted by Mme. Bustier clearing her throat.

"Okay students, let's start class!"

∙ ♡ ∙

Throughout class, people tried to get a look at Chloe. She had changed so much. Her appearance and her personality. She was actually listening to Mme. Bustier as she gave her lecture, she was even taking notes!
When Mme Bustier handed out the homework and dismissed class, Chloe put all of her stuff (including her homework) in her backpack. This even surprised Sabrina, who was holding out her hand, waiting for Chloe to give her the homework.
Chloe looked up at Sabrina and asked,

"You ready to go?"

Sabrina looked at her and looked back at the desk. She hurriedly put all of her stuff in her bag and crumpled quite a few papers whilst doing so.

"Hey, you don't have to hurry! Our next class starts in 5 minutes,"

Sabrina looked at Chloe again, even more surprised. This was not the Chloe she knew... But instead of addressing these feelings, Sabrina nodded and carefully put the rest of her things in her bag. She closed it and put it over her shoulder, ready to go.
Chloe smiled slightly and they headed to their next class.

∙ ♡ ∙

Chloe quite liked her first half of the day. People were staring at her weirdly but she didn't mind anymore. She was acting like herself for once.
It was now lunch period and Sabrina was waiting for her outside the classroom.

"You know, you don't have to wait if you don't want to..."

Sabrina wasn't as surprised at Chloe's remark this time. She had finally gotten used to the new Chloe. She liked the new Chloe. Unlike before, she wanted to be Chloe's friend.

"I like to wait."



"Thanks, Sabrina... Now c'mon. Let's go check out the hotel menu!"


Chloe and Sabrina walked down the steps and out of the school. They got to the hotel after a short walk and went up to the doorman. He opened the door, to which Chloe and Sabrina said "Thank you," and went inside. They took the elevator up to the restaurant floor and chose a table.
After a bit, they ordered and ate. They got to school just before the bell and continued with their studies.
Chloe had a decent rest of her day and brought home a backpack full of books. She and Sabrina used one of the rooms in the hotel to do their homework but Sabrina had to go home for dinner. Chloe finished the rest of her work and ate, going to her room afterward.

today was a good day for once.

After classes, she had grabbed a book from the library. She grabbed the book and hopped onher bed, opening it to the first page.

∙ ♡ ∙

Chloe grabbed a small piece of packaging from her bedside table and stuffed it in the book, closing it shut. She set the book on her bedside table and hurried to her closet, grabbing some comfortable clothes. She had just looked at the clock and realized it was past midnight. She quickly changed and took out her hair clip. She got out of the bathroom, turned off the lights, and buried herself in the covers of her bed. 

if today was a better day, i should have a better night.


∙ ♡ ∙

chapter 3 is done!

also, about the piece of packaging for a bookmark, i like the idea that she doesn't have a bookmark because she's never needed one because she never reads books. idk, i thought it was a nice touch.

also, slightly longer chapter!

hope you enjoyed!
write to ya later! ♡

word count: 1031

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