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I haven't said anything. Haven't agreed or disagreed to murder Grace as I stare back at Zachary.

Grace's eyes flick to the gun and back to my face. "Jordan, you're not... You're not actually..."

Zach's giddy, practically buzzing with excitement at the idea of my first willing murder. Like this is all some kind of sick game.

"Do it, Jordan. Show them they're wrong. Show them you're just like me."

I analyze the handgun, feel the weight of it in my hand. Try to make it look like I'm actually considering his offer while I stall but I don't have a plan and no matter how hard I think, there are no other options. But I know Zachary. He's not letting Brittany leave here alive, regardless of what I do.

I point the gun at him. My arm is heavy though. I can't take a shot at him. Not with the way he's cowering behind Brittany.

He smiles.

He knows.

"You've never shot a gun, Jo Jo. You going to risk blowing Brittany's brains out?" he asks.

I'm stuck. Frustration eats at my chest. I could swing the gun over at Grace and take a shot. Maybe I could make it nonfatal.

I'm about to switch targets, try to buy more time when Roger stomps back toward the campfire, the rifle slung over his shoulder and my mom in tow.

I don't think. I can't take time to think.

I aim the weapon at his head and squeeze the trigger until the gun kicks back in my palm and Roger hits the ground. I can only manage one more shot at my mother before Zachary tackles me from behind.

"No!" His face is a deep red as he slams my hand into the ground and pries the weapon from me. After he tucks the gun in his belt, he pulls back and throws his fist into my nose.

There's a loud crack as his knuckles connect to the bridge of my nose.

I suck in a sharp breathe, feel the pain rip through my face, try to land a punch on him with my good arm but I'm still slow from whatever Roger injected into my neck and the shock that Zachary actually hit me. I can't remember a time when Zachary physically attacked me instead of apprehending me.

Brittany charges him, but he swings the gun on her and she freezes.

"Please," I beg through the blood streaming from my nose.

Zach pushes to his feet, his bony hands trembling.

I roll to my side and try to get the taste of copper from my mouth.

He's pacing circles, shaking the gun around, and muttering to himself when suddenly, he lunges at me. "How would you feel if I started killing the people you love without warning?" He's screaming through tears and for a moment, I almost feel bad.

He runs his hands through his hair, wipes his cheeks with his arm. "He was like a father to me!" He shakes his head. "I'm ending this."

Without another word, he has the gun pointed at Brittany's head and he's ordering her to move.

"Zachary," I call but he's made up his mind.

I push to my feet and chase after them, ignoring the throbbing in my skull and the blood soaking my jacket.

He stops at the edge of the lake and pushes Brittany arm's length from him, pointing the gun at her chest. Brittany says something, and I can only hope she's withholding the sarcasm for once in her life.

"Zachary, don't!" I scream and push into a sprint. "Your fight's with me. Leave her out of this!"

He looks at me one last time. His lips pull into a twitchy smile as he squeezes down on the trigger of the gun. The shot deafens me as I tackle Zachary to the ground. The force of the tackle sends us sliding across the ice to the middle of the lake but it's too late. 

He did it.

He shot her.

Zachary stares up at me, gasping in air as I try to scramble to my feet.

"Brittany!" I'm screaming, trying to run but Zach grabs my ankle and pulls me back down. "Brittany, please," I'm begging, staring at the heap on the ground where she fell, hoping, begging, praying she'll move.

Please, stand up.

"This is how it was always meant to be," Zachary shouts at me. "She wasn't right for this family!"

Something inside of me snaps and before he can say another word, I'm above him, slamming my fist into his face. 

Again. Again. Again.

The ice cracks under us as his head slams back against the ground.

I don't give him time to speak. I'm doing what I should have half a year ago. I'm not thinking. Not letting memories of our childhood slip through the cracks.

His cheekbone cracks under my fist. His face is streaked with blood until he can no longer hold his head up. I grab the collar of his shirt, pull my fist back with the last bit of energy I have.

"Jordan," his voice isn't louder than a whisper. He lets out a small bloody cough, holds his hands up to cover his face, but I throw the punch anyway.

Everything happens at once. The ice cracks under us and we're fully submerged, sinking quickly under the dark water. Bubbles float around my face, tickle my broken nose but when I try to swim, my shoulder locks up in pain.

I'm trying to slip out of my boots, pull the jacket from my shoulders but everything is twisted around my body, suctioned to my skin from the weight of the water. I manage to slip from the jacket, kick out of my shoes and swim toward the light at the top of the water but I've sunk so much further than I thought and my lungs are exploding against my ribs.

My fingers break the surface of the lake but as I kick one last time and prepare to breathe the air my body so desperately craves, Zachary wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me lower. I try to push him away but he's latched around me and no matter how hard I try, I don't have the energy to fight back anymore. I can't keep fighting him.

I have to end this.

I try to push my thoughts down, pull the gun from his belt, and press it against his head. I can't let him come back. Can't give him the option to torment me and my friends again.

He says something, but only bubbles flow from his mouth as he shakes his head, begs me with pleading eyes.

My skin is on fire. My lungs feel like they're ripping. My vision is rimmed black.

He shot her. He shot Brittany.

The pressure builds in my skull as I think back to half a year ago. How Zachary wanted us to die together and how I fought so hard to keep that from happening. 

I pull the trigger before the darkness closes in on me. 


Hey, all (: 

Just wanted to do a quick update. I'll be posting the last chapter to this story tomorrow so stay tuned if you wanna read that, and I'll be starting Soulless on Monday. The upload schedule for that one will be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns and I hope you all have a lovely day.


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