Make Her Happy

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"Ernesto! ERNESTO!" The boy looked up from where he was playing cards with Sadiq, watching Holly storm angrily to the pair.

They had been camping out in the valleys now for about 4 weeks. On the few times one of them had ventured into the next village over in disguise, they had still heard whispers that the Queen was searching for them. They had to wait until Kylie thought they had given up before they could get back on the road.

"Yes, my Chi Chi." He smiled up at her, bemused by her angry expression.

"Don't you smile at me! Look! LOOK!" She gestured down to her undone trousers, unable to do up around her small bump. His heart warmed. That was his baby growing in there. "My trousers don't fit! I have nothing to wear! What have you done to me!" She cried, placing herself in Ernesto's lap.

"You're meant to be getting fat Holly. That's normal." Sadiq laughed at her.

Ernesto felt Holly stiffen up. Oh no. "What Sadiq meant to say, is that you're pregnant. And having a growing bump is a sign of that." He corrected the boy.

Sadiq looked at him sheepishly as Holly stared daggers.

"My Chi Chi," he bought his hand up to her face, turning her head to his own. "Why don't you wear a pair of my trousers for the time being, hmm? It won't be for long. Only a few months." He tried to reassure the girl.

"Oh yea. Only a few months. It's no biggy." She mocked his voice. "I can't believe this!" She jumped up, muttering to herself as she went back to their van to get changed.

"We can't be dealing with Holly moaning about her clothes every day for the next 5 months, Ern." Sadiq looked at his friends.

"I know." Ernesto stood up, looking into the distance. "Look, the village is over there. Do you fancy an adventure?"


The pair walked to town, donning caps, fake beards, and glasses in a bid to not be recognised. They had seen signs for a market the closer to the village they got, until eventually they found the rows of stalls.

"Ok, we go in, we go out. We're quick. Got it?" Sadiq reminded Ernesto, to which he nodded.

Since Kylie had come to power, the main export had been 'Kylie's', small gold coins with a ridiculous inflation price. She had all but banned trading with goods, creating a black market for anyone who lacked money. Like the Sparticles.

Once they had set up base in Wales, some of the tribe had gone out in hunt of live stock and food to plant. They had come back with 4 chickens and a small goat, as well as potatoes and carrots to grow. It wasn't much, but it gave them fresh eggs and milk to trade with, as well as some vegetables. Their foraging book had also allowed them to find wild mushrooms and flowers to eat. So here they were, a basket with a few fresh pints of milk and some plants, hoping someone would trade with them.

The market was ripe with black market goods. It seemed teen Queen Kylie's guards didn't bother themselves with searching the small, remote towns. Lucky for the tribe.




Ernesto basked in the hustle and bustle around him; this is how he remembered the market when he was growing up. They weaved in and out of the stalls, until they finally found one selling ladies clothes. Ernesto flicked through the rails.

"These are all too small! Too tight!" He groaned in frustration.

"Can I help the two of you?" The stall owner approached them, a kind smile on her face. "Can't say we have many men buying dresses, but I'm not one to judge. I can get you measured up if you like?"

"They're not for us." Sadiq laughed.

"I'm looking for my girlfriend. She's pregnant." Ernesto explained.

The girl squealed. "A baby! You don't see many of them now days! How far along is she? Are you both so excited? I bet you are!"

Her excitement was contagious. "We can't wait!" Ernesto exclaimed.

"Well," she continued, "I can't say we have any maternity clothes. But I might have something stretchy enough for her. Two seconds." She quickly ran to a box, rummaging through before pulling out some clothes. A pair of black leggings, a maroon top, and an overly large red pinafore dress. "Will these do?"

"These are perfect! Red is Holly'sfavourite colour!" He felt the fabric between his fingers. "How much will it cost us?"

She peered into their basket of trading goods. "I'll let you have it for a pint of milk, those 3 eggs, 4 potatoes and that carton of berries. And I'll throw in this camouflage baby grow for free."

"Anything to make my Chi Chi happy." Ernesto smiled.

"And to stop her complaining, makes our lives easier." Sadiq added.

They exchanged the goods, feeling happy that they had found what they were looking for.


The boys made their way back to the tribe.

"You two were ages! What were you doing?" Reese asked from where she sat with Frankie.

Ernesto gestured for Holly to follow him. "I've got something for you." He pulled out the red dress and clothes from his backpack.

Holly's face lit up. "What? But where did you get these? What did you trade for them?" She exclaimed.

"I have my ways." He winked. "Now get out of my trousers and try them on!"

Holly ran off excitedly. He hadn't seen her this happy for a while. She emerged a few minutes later, excitedly showing off her new dress.

"I love it! Thank you Ern!" She ran over, encasing him in a huge hug.

"And there's one more thing." He smiled down at her, reaching back into his bag and pulling out the baby grow.

He watched her eyes widen at the tiny article of clothing. She took it in her hand, rubbing her fingers over the fabric.

"Ern." Her voice chocked up as she cried.

He chuckled, pulling her into another hug. Her usual stern and angry demeanour had been overtaken with an overly emotional one recently. It was clearly the pregnancy hormones taking hold, much to everyone's amusement. They had never seen Holly so soppy!

"In a few months, our little baby will be wearing this." He took her face in his palms, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

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