Mission: Completed

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The frequency had worn off the Sparticles, and they quickly ran back into the lighthouse, congratulating Fizzy on managing to turn off the machine.

"Let's go to the time garden, quick! Come on!" Sadiq yelled, and they all ran out to watch the final part of their mission complete.

The sky was eerily red by this point, lit up by the comet. It was as if there was an apocalypse.

They arrived at the garden, coming face to face with the dismayed looks of the sensitives.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you linked up?" Serena asked in a panic.

"We can't get the baby on the SensitiveNet!" Reese explained, sounding heartbroken.

"Are we sure she's a sensitive?" Kim asked, rocking her granddaughter back and forth.

A lightbulb went off in Aris' head. "We saw her powers when the old man was holding her! 'The power was in my hands, then it was taken away.' 'Who's got the light for my lamp?' The old man was talking about the baby! The baby has power when he's holding her! She's the light he's looking for! They need to be together!" He exclaimed.

"We need to get the old man here, now!" Reese shouted.

Aris shook his head. "No, we don't! Reese, think about it. About how much he talked about time. 'Time never dies.' This herb garden isn't the circle of perpetual time, the old man is! We need to be where he is!"

"But where is he?" Sadiq shouted. "We only have one minute until the comet arrives!"

They looked to the sky, watching as the red ball slowly got larger the closer it came to earth.

"Look, he's there! In the lighthouse!" Ernesto shouted, pointing up.

They all ran back up the stairs of the lighthouse, handing the old man the baby.

"The power to light my lamp!" He smiled down at her.

Reese and Aris held his arms, linking up with the rest of the sensitives. A bolt of electricity hit the lighthouse, yet somehow they didn't feel a thing. It was like they were protected by a glass shield. The electricity lit up around them, flashes of light criss-crossing before their eyes. A wormhole opened in the sky, an explosion of colour.

Brian looked to Fizzy. "I don't know whether I am your teen dad or not, but if I was, it wouldn't be the end of the world, alright?" He admitted, struggling to share his emotions with his teen son.

Fizzy smiled up at him. "Alright." It felt good to make peace with his teen dad.

"It's been a blast!" Kim exclaimed, waving to them all.

Within a second, her and Brian had disappeared into thin air, transported to their dimension.

And then the wormhole disappeared and all seemed quiet and still.

Everyone looked around at each other in disbelief, unable to comprehend what had just happened. They made their way out of the lighthouse in a state of shock. They saw Holly slowly making her way over to the group, and Ernesto was quick to rush to her side to aid her.

"What's going on?" The voice of a cockney man asked from behind them.

They all turned around, shocked to see an adult, an actual adult, standing in front of them.

"Where am I?" He asked in confusion, clearly not expecting to be standing on a hill, much less to be standing with a bunch of teenagers.

Fizzy's face lit up. "Home! You're home!"

"Eustance? My lost son? Come to daddy!" The man, Brian, cried, bringing his son in for a hug.

The Sparticles looked at each other in confusion. Eustance? It all made sense why he had gone by Fizzy now, Eustance wasn't the best of names!

A women next exited the cottage, a dazed look on her face.

Holly looked at her in confusion, locking eyes with her. "No, it can't be. Mum?" The woman began to run to her. "MUM!"

"HOLLY!" She cried out, picking up the pace before wrapping her arms around her daughter, tears streaming down both their cheeks. "Oh, Holly! My baby! You've grown so beautiful!" She spoke through the tears, pulling away for a moment to take in her daughter. "Oh, Holly! What have you been up to all these years!"

Holly couldn't help but laugh, the memories of the last 5 years flooding her mind. "Everything!" Was all she could say, wrapping her arms tightly around her mum, not wanting to let go.

"Have we really bought back the adults? Is mum here, in this dimension?" Frankie asked in disbelief, looking around excitedly.

Reese smiled at her, wrapping her arms around her friend. "Yes! She'll be here! All our parents and older siblings will be here somewhere!"

Holly turned to her mum, linking arms with Ernesto as he handed her their baby. "Mum, this is your granddaughter. We called her Kimmy, after you."

Ernesto wrapped an arm around his girlfriend as they watched Kim hold their daughter for the first time. She at first looked shocked, before breaking out into a smile and holding her granddaughter close.

"We've done what we've always wanted to do. We've bought back the grownups!" Sadiq exclaimed, the reality finally setting in.

Frankie laughed. "Yea, and all their boring rules."

"We can't go back to how it was." Reese said with determination.

"Who says we have to? The returning adults are tourists!" Aris said, and they all nodded in agreement.

Fizzy turned to Brian. "Things have changed around here, dad. First, I'm Fizzy, not Eustance. Second, I don't do school. At present, I am a fallen emperor who is fully expecting a second shot at power."

His dad chuckled. "Ok, and where do I fit into your plans?"

"How do any of us fit in?" Kim asked, still on cloud 9 as she stared lovingly at Kimmy.

"Something tells me that the grownups will need us a whole lot more than we need them." Ernesto added.

"This is our world, our way!" Serena said with a smirk on her face.

They all looked at each other, letting everything settle in. And then they celebrated, running around screaming, shouting, jumping on each other. Letting everything out. Hugging the family they had been reunited with, and the family they had made along the way.

They had been on this quest for 5 years. When the adults had first disappeared, they were barely teenagers, some still children. But they had survived. They had all survived. The world had thrived, and they weren't going to let things go back to how they used to be.

They were triumphant. The mission was a success. They had bought back the adults!

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