Whenever You're Ready

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"Houston, we have a problem." Tony flashes his papers onto the table before parking himself next to Pepper.

Steve Rogers is the first one at the desk. The Captain efficiently moves in to skim through the notes thrown over the table- papers nearly sliding off the edge due to Tony's toss, "What happened, Stark?"

"Fury called me. That's what happened. That's what always happens. Which tells me! I'm the boss. When was the last time you got a direct call?"

"Last week."

Tony seems to be counting his fingers dropping one by one, "When was the time before that?!"

Thor sits up straighter, his face expressing concern, "Are we all requested to provide assistance? What is our incoming assignment? I shall prep Mjolnir."

"There's a new guy in town, creating some device with an extremely dangerous radioactive chemical that could potentially destroy all of New York City for starters," Tony crosses his arms.

Steve shrugs his shoulders, "Okay."

Tony crosses his arms sarcastically, "Okay?"

Rogers lifts his hand to his cheek, "We've handled worse. This will be easy."

"Yeah well. Tell the rest of them to suit up. I'm gonna go recharge my stuff."

Thor shakes his head, "I am confused. Are you the new captain?"

Tony turns to face and points to Rogers, "No, he is. I'm the leader, he's the Captain. I'm calling the shots today because I feel like it. Make sense, Point Break?"

"No? No it does not. I was under the impression the Captain was the leader...?"

"Alright,' Steve taps his arm, 'We're good."

Pepper holds her head, "Really Tony...? You're out again?!"

"Sorry Pep, I'll be back as soon as possible."

Thor raises a hand to greet Natasha as she enters;

"Lady Romanoff, it has been far from a good morning. Our host has provided us with another potential catastrophe concerning the realm in which we are currently residing."

Natasha presses forward and invites herself to the paper. Barton opens his mouth as he enters from the opposite side;

"What's up, morons?"

Tony waves toward Bruce;

"We've got some drama, Brucie. Code green! My favorite."

"Yippee," Banner mutters emotionlessly.

Hawkeye lifts a paper, glancing over highlights, "Oh beautiful. Someone's making radioactive weapons, in the middle of New York City. Was this you Doc?"

"Wasn't me."

Natasha brushes her hand through her hair. Her voice stays soft as she takes a page from Cint to offer Bruce;

"Preevyet Vrach Banner."

"Preevyet, Natasha."

He raises a cautious eyebrow and slips on his glasses. Natasha bites her lip, "Are you up for this Vrach?"

"What's my role? I don't see anything scientific to provide. Maybe some insight into the weaponry?"

"I studied it already!" Tony interrupts."

"Okay. So. Basically! I'm just transforming voluntarily to prevent a radioactive explosion."

"Something like that."

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