Let's go

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"Yes, yes oh my god Az!" he groaned heavily

The only sounds in the room were his groaning and continuous hard hits. You could also hear my heavy breathing but I'd learned to control it pretty good.

"You need to grow up, seriously Park." I was already done with him just staring at me trying to get ready for my next mission.

"I think I'm quite grown, I mean 6'2 is big isn't it?" he tried to joke but honestly I really wasn't in the mood.

"Yeah whatever." I groaned tiredly and walked over to my stuff in the corner of the room.

I grabbed my light grey sweater and my black duffel bag filled with my clothes and other necessities.

"Az why're you so upset, you're usually excited before missions like this." He strode behind me looking down and sounding confused.

"I don't know, I just want to get it done already." I huffed.
I honestly didn't know why I was so upset, I liked going on missions especially these kinds of missions. I just feel so tired and I know anything could make me explode out of anger any second. I don't want to be like that but I just can't change it and frankly I don't care enough to change myself.

"Fine, when will you be back?" He finally gave up and tried sounding happier to get my mood to change for the better. Of course I appreciate the thought but it didn't help a lot.

"I'm not sure yet, hopefully in two days."

The truth is I was going to take my time with this mission, if I wanted to I could be back tomorrow or even tonight considering it was 6 AM currently, but the problem is I didn't want to come back this early. I had nothing to do here, sure I have Park and I can train the whole day if I feel like it, but that's it. That's all I have here.

"Oh, well I'll be waiting for you." 

I could hear a tone of sadness in his voice and I felt bad for him. We were just about to turn a corner when I stopped dead in my tracks, I dropped my bag and turned around on my heel. Parker had a very confused look painted on his face and right as he was about to say something I took a step towards him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back without hesitation wrapping his big arms around my waist and holding me tight. I had my arms wrapped around his neck and burying my face into the crook of his neck.

I didn't want to say anything to him so I let go and walked back to the corner where my bag was. I grabbed it, tossed it over my shoulder and started walking away to my ride.

"Hey, are you just gonna leave, like that?" He was confused, sad and completely messed up.

"Don't do anything stupid when I'm gone Park!" I told him without turning my back and went to my car.

I'm glad he chose not to say anything else, cause honestly I didn't know why I did that, I'm usually not like that, I don't like hugging people or anything of the kind. I just did it.

I jumped in the driver's seat of my black Audi it was an SQ8, and I tossed my bad to the passenger seat . It was brand new and I was in love with it. I had always liked cars and although I did like Lamborghinis a lot I needed something like my Audi for this mission.

I put the car in drive and started the 3 hour long journey to the location of my next job.

 My name is Azilya Callan and Parker was my best friend ever since I was 4. We grew up together and we had similar childhoods. His dad was a well known and respected mafia leader, he was well known for his cruelty and if you messed with him you had a wish of dying the most painful death or you were just stupid. He went easier on Parker but not always, his wife aka Parker's mom died of cancer when Parker was 5 so it wasn't easy to raise him, but he had help from the best babysitters of the state. He was always proud of his son even if he didn't show it.

My dad and Parker's dad worked together, that's how we met. See my dad is the best assassin in the country, everyone who was a bad guy knew Ezra Callan. He had the same effect as Parker's dad, you mess with him-you die. He was also known as the hunter or the boogieman, well everybody said even the boogieman is scared of him, so he was known just to hunt. Thanks to him I even got a name for myself, huntress, it's kind of obvious where that came from but I still like it. He was always soft with me though, I also grew up without a mother because she died when I was 2 years old, she was driving home after running some errands when some drunk jerk drove his car into hers driving 118 mph. She died on the spot, I heard my dad was absolutely crushed but he carried on for me. He trained me since I was able to walk but he was never too hard on me, he knew exactly where my limit was.

I met Parker at a garden party his dad held and I was invited with my father so of course I went to play with the only other child except for me at that party and we've been inseparable since that. Parker was 4 years older than be but it was never a problem. When he was 18 he joined an organization called 'parabellum' and a year later when I was only 15 I joined too. My dad and his dad run this company together with another one of their bad ass friend. It's an organization that trains assassins and makes them into killing machines. It's not easy getting into parabellum, not at all. To even get an interview you need to look good enough to impress people and when they think you could be useful they put you through a 1,5 year training course. Many people don't pass it, they either get themselves killed on a training mission or they fail the course and get shot, it's pretty simple to be honest.

I've been working at parabellum for five years now and Parker for six. We're at the top of the best assassins at parabellum, there's a special group for people like us, it's called Ailith. There are 8 people in Ailith- me, Parker, Damien, Seth, James, Melly and Jonah.

Parabellum doesn't only have assassins though, there are also doctors for when people come back a little injured from their missions, scientists for developing and improving our weapons and there are also hackers I think that's pretty self explanatory.

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