Breathing is for the Weak

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~~Islanders Camp~~

-Jordan Confessional-

"I feel like I'm forgettable. No one talked to me once. I'm wondering what Clara meant when she left, and I will figure it out. She accepted her fate, but still kept up with the alliance talk. Was she telling the truth?"

-Duke Confessional-

"Somethings up. She mentioned Joie, Lexi, Quentin, and Rose. Rose isn't even on our team, and she's smart enough to know that Quentin had immunity. Somethings up, and I'm getting to the bottom of it."

-End Confessional-

"We really should set up a tent... or whatever," Abby mutters. The others- besides Jordan- don't hear her.

"Is it just me, or do you feel forgotten by the team?" Jordan asks. Abby nods. "I guess we need to stick together, or else we'll just be cannon fodder when they don't know who to vote out."

"I agree. Duke, Natalie, and Matthias are already grouped together. Quentin, Lexi, and Joie stick together. Kinsey seems to have the hearts of half the team. Keegan and Amai seem like us, not talked about or really noticed. Should we get them in our ranks?"

"In our ranks? You make this sound like a cult," Jordan chuckles, and Abby gasps.

"THAT'S THE PERFECT NAME! I dub thee, the Cult of the Forgotten," Abby exclaims, bursting with pride. Jordan bursts out in laughter. "But seriously, should we get them with us?"

Abby nods, and they split up to go talk to the other two. Abby walks up to Amai, currently trying to make fire with two sticks.

"Here, you have to rub in opposite directions," Abby says, and demonstrates.

"Thanks Abby. Y'know, you're the first to really come talk to me. It seems as if most of the others are the 'main characters' of the team..." Amai says lowly.

"I agree. I talked about this with Jordan, and he agrees. If we don't stick together, we'll become cannon fodder- those are his words- for when they just need someone to vote out and don't know who."

"I'll stick with you two. Anyone else with us?"

"Jordan's talking with Keegan."

Amai nods, and Abby smiles.

Meanwhile, Keegan and Jordan are hunting for some wild chicken they saw running through the woods earlier.

"So, Keegan, how do you feel about the voting?" Jordan asks.

"I don't know... I got a lot of votes... I thought I was completely ignored..." he says.

"They didn't know who to vote, so they voted for someone that wouldn't fight back. We're just gonna be used as 'extras' for when someone doesn't know who to vote. I think we gotta stick together. Abby's with me, and she's talking to Amai right now. It's an alliance, wanna join?"

-Keegan Confessional-

"Sneaky, but smart. I like it, so I'll join. Amai and Abby seem more tolerable than pretty-boy Duke, or country bumpkin Matthias anyways."

-End Confessional-

"Sure. I agree with needing to stick together, I'll join." Jordan nods, and they go back to the beach.

~~Castaways Camp~~

Luma and Kai are chatting in sign, with Kai translating for Uriah, Porter, Thea, and Charlie.

(for simplicity's sake, italics are Luma speaking in sign, and just assume that they're translated by Kai)

"If we lose, who should go home?" Thea asks.

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