Just an Average Day

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"Scott and Kinsey!"

"Wait what?" Scott says, turning around, and seeing the ring that clearly has a picture of Chanel on it, with McKenzie treading water inside of it.

He groans, before trudging out of the water and onto the docks, where he stands side-by-side with Kinsey.

"Three, two, one, blastoff!" Chris shouts, before Kinsey and Scott hurdle across the water.

"Two down, twenty-six to go. Take a break, the challenges have been back-to-back, so you deserve it."

As the campers return to their respective camps, Chris turns to the camera and gives a bright smile.

"Welcome, to a new episode of Total Drama Wilderness. Let me remind you who is left. On the Castaways, we still have Charlie, Flavio, Ivan, Izzy, Thea, Chanel, Luma, Porter, DJ, McKenzie, Rose, Kai, Dawn, and Uriah. Meanwhile, on the Islanders, we have Matthias, Sugar, Jordan, Duke, Geoff, Leshawna, Quentin, Joie, Katie, Sadie, Amai, and Abby. It's our biggest season yet, so what drama will go down? Continue watching to find out." 

~Castaways Camp~

-Dawn Confessional-

"I'm worried. Whatever is wrong with Quentin is getting worse, and Thea is still fooling Luma, Porter, Kai, and Uriah. However, McKenzie's aura is slowly getting better, so that's good!"

-End Confessional-

"Wonder what the next challenge is gonna be? I just hope it's not for at least twenty four hours," Chanel groans.

"You were so close to going home, Chanel. If Scott hadn't-"

"I know. I just can't help but feel like I shouldn't be here," she says quietly.

"You shouldn't!" McKenzie snaps. "If you had gone home my Scott would still be here!"

"Your Scott?" Flavio deadpans. McKenzie just gives a sheepish grin then goes back to painting her nails.

"Don't blame her, she had been dying to meet Scott ever since she watched ROTI. I, personally, don't see the appeal, but she only got to see him for a few hours," Dawn says, giving a small smile to McKenzie. McKenzie gives a teary eyed smile back to Dawn, before going over.

"Anyone up for a swim?" she asks. Luma, Dawn, Uriah, Porter, and DJ join her in her swim

With the swimmers, Uriah, Luma, and Porter swim near the beach, in the shallower water, and Dawn, McKenzie, and DJ are all near the rocks.

"Y'know, we should really learn sign language. In case Kai goes home," Uriah says, thinking out loud.

Porter looks as if he's thinking about it, then nods. "Maybe."

Meanwhile, Dawn, McKenzie, and DJ have ended up sunbathing on the rock.

DJ looks over, and sees McKenzie looking oddly at Dawn, who couldn't see the other girl watching her, due to her sunglasses.

"Whatcha doin'," DJ asks, causing McKenzie to jump.

-McKenzie Confessional-

"She's so pretty! Her skin is so clear and it practically glows in the sun! Her hair is perfect! And her face is so pretty. Her eyes are just such a beautiful indigo color, and her lips- I mean... boys. they're hot. I like them. I'm straight."

-End Confessional-

"I'm, uhh..." she stutters.

"She is currently complimenting my skin, hair, face, eyes, and lips in her head," Dawn says suddenly, causing McKenzie to blush a deep crimson. "McKenzie, I like your eyes too. And your skin, hair, face, and lips."

"Okay... Imma go now," DJ tells them.

"I, too," Dawn states, giving McKenzie a peck on the cheek before swimming towards shore.

As the other two swim away, McKenzie promptly faints.

~Islanders Camp~

"This season sure reminds me of Pahkitew, except we don't get to build stuff," Sugar exclaims.

"Mhm totally!" Katie says.

"OMG! I just had the greatest idea," Sadie squeals.

"OMG! I just had a great idea too!" Katie yells.

"Okay, 3...2...1..."

"We should form an alliance!" Sadie says.

"I want a roast beef sandwich!" Katie says at the same time. She then looks at Sadie, and says, "OMG, that's totally a much better idea."

"I've never had one of these all-eye-ants. What are they? Are they like just ants made completely of eyes?" Sugar asks.

"No, silly-billy, it means we stick together for the game!" Sadie giggles.

"Should we ask anyone else to join?" Katie wonders.

"Nah, I like it how it is," Sadie says. "OMG, Katie, this is our first alliance! SQUEEEEE!"

Meanwhile, Geoff is talking with Duke, Jordan, Abby, Natalie, and Leshawna.

-Geoff Confessional-

"Of course I saved Leshawna in the challenge! She's, like, the only person I knew here, dude! I haven't spoken to many people, but I'm totally staying away from the Quentin dude. Gives off bad vibes. I like talking to Duke, Jordan, Natalie, and Abby though, they're all cool. Mattie's suspicious. Oh, yeah, that's my new nickname for Matthias. Awesome, right?"

-Leshawna Confessional-

"Somethings up with Quentin and Matthias, while Joie and Rose both seem kinda... off, ya hear me? The rest of them seem good though. I spoke with Charlie after the challenge, and honestly, they're my favorite. Amai too. Geoff, of course, and Duke, Jordan, Natalie, and Abby all seem cool, also."

-End Confessional-

"Anyways, I love Total Drama. What was it like being on it for three seasons?" Natalie asks.

"Baby, it was stressful. I'm convinced Chris won't let the producers cancel the show until someone dies!" Leshawna exclaims.

"I was only on for two seasons, one of which I got eliminated first episode, but the first season was fun. It was like a big party but also homework? I don't know how to explain it," Geoff says, shaking his head.

*The Next Morning*

"Up and at 'em, campers! Time for another challenge!"

A resounding groan sounds throughout the island.

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