[10] Icy Impressions

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Although you were tired, you kept your guard up with all of your attention focused outward, purposefully avoiding the creepy carnival from before. You weren't certain Hisoka would be hanging around there again, but you were not in the mood for his headache-inducing antics. Instead, you went a slightly longer route, keeping gyo up in your eyes for anything suspicious.

Thankfully, nobody popped out to talk to you, and soon you were on the full outskirts of York New City, gazing upon a valley of dilapidated buildings. When the industrial age had hit, the city had been upgraded — these abandoned buildings were the remnants of the old York New City, the only reminder of what the boisterous city used to be. It was the perfect place for a group of criminals to hide out in; the ample amount of buildings provided great coverage, and most mafioso had forgotten this location completely.

Where you had wound up was on a cliff that overlooked the abandoned part of York New, the sheer drop almost dizzying. It wouldn't kill you, nen would definitely protect you, but you still didn't want to accidentally fall.

Every part of your body screamed for you to get closer, to find the specific building and crumble it to the ground, but rationality won out. You were tired, run ragged, and not in a stable mindset right now. Charging in, no matter your feelings, would be suicide. At the very least, you knew where to start when you could start searching, and that was your biggest priority.

Carefully lowering yourself down, you sat on the edge of the cliff, looking out at the city and the thousands of stars that twinkled above it. With the light pollution non-existent, the sky was clear to see, constellations you didn't know decorating the night sky like a starry canvas.

It was peaceful.

For a moment, you just basked in the silence. The night air was a bit chilly, but the silence was bliss, and you reminded yourself that you weren't your rage. You weren't defined by your anger, weren't defined by your trauma or your eyes. Sometimes, it was easy to forget that all whenever you thought about the Phantom Troupe, but if you were to truly forget those, then you'd be lost in a cruel cycle of vengeance, like Kurapika.

Bitterly, you snorted. The two of you seriously needed psychological help. Perhaps once the Troupe was neutralized, you'd start seeing a counselor, although you weren't sure if anybody was equipped to handle your issues.

After a few minutes of a calmer introspection, you reached around and into your bag, rooting around in the satchel until your fingers brushed what you were looking for. You pulled the item out, the diary you had supposedly kept when you still lived on the Kurta compound. It was simple, a black hardcover notebook decorated with daisies and stickers of various animals.

You hesitated momentarily — although it was dark, you could still read in the dim lighting with just a little strain to your eyes. Not once had you opened it after you had left the Kurta compound, too afraid of the memories it may bring back, but you couldn't push this off any further.

Filled with a need to know, you slowly opened the book, reading the Kurtan text with an ease that had surprised you. It made sense, considering it had been your first language.

Sifting through the pages, you finally stopped on one, reading the entry to yourself and smiling fondly at your messy scrawl, nostalgia seeping through your bones. The date was too worn away, so you couldn't quite see it, but save for a couple of smudges, the rest of the journal entry was easy enough to read.


Pairo came over again today! Sis keeps doting on him, which is sooooo annoying. I kind of wish she'd be nicer to me, too! Anyways, Pairo came with some great news! He took that test to see if he could leave the compound and he passed!!! I wish I could take the test, but momma's too worried about my super power. Pairo and I think I'd be fine, but I don't want to argue with momma, because it makes her sad.

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