Round One (Based on the First 5 Chapters)
Cover (5)
Spelling (10)
Dialogue (10)•The two books with the lowest scores get eliminated
Round Two (Based on the First 10 Chapters of the 8 remaining books)
Plot Development(10)
Emotional Engagement(10) [e.g Does the story portray enough emotional characteristics]
Intellectual Engagement (10)•The two books with the lowest scores get eliminated
Round Three (Based on the first 15 chapters of the 6 remaining books)
World Descriptions (10)
Character Development (10)
Interaction Between Characters (10)
Romance (20) [How romantic is the story]•The two books with the lowest scores get eliminated
Round Four (Based on the total number of chapters judges read in the 4 remaining books)
Overall Impression of the book (50)
*Judges are required to give us a short honest summary of all the books that made it to this round.
•The book with the lowest scores get eliminated
Round Five
Total Book Score : ( 190 )
Judges state your top 3 books with scores from round 1-5 and your review.
*We need judges to give us a small review of all the books that made it into the last round when they submit their scores to us.
StarDazzle's Romance Awards 2021
Romance{ } Open { } Judging {🌹} Closed What is that sweet scent lingering in the air? *Sniff, sniff*... Is that- .. *sniff* ..Is that love I smell? But, of course! Welcome to our Romance Awards. Star Dazzle community has teamed up once again to b...