Future part 2

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Schwoz: What are you going to name her?

Chapa: Lilly

Everyone awed.

Ray: She's handsome, just like her father.

Bose: Thank you sir!

*Out of the hospital*

They went to their house.

Miles: Wow, this place is so big and beautiful!

Chapa: Thank you!

Chapa: Welcome to your new home sweetie.

Lilly giggles.

Mika: She is so adorable I just want to pinch her!

Schwoz saw Ray crying.

Schwoz: Ray are you, crying?

Ray: No, I'm perspiring through my eyes.

Everyone chuckles:

Schwoz: Yea, ok.

Mika: What do y'all want to do?

Bose: How about we go to the park?

Everyone nodded their heads.

Miles: That sounds cool.

Bose and Chapa kissed.

Mika: Do that in your room.

Everyone made it to the park.

Ray walked up to Grayson and got on one knee.

Ray: Hey little man, I got this for you.

Ray handed Grayson a frisbee with buttons on top of it.

Grayson: Thanks Ray!

Grayson: Aunt Mika! Uncle Miles! Wanna play?

Mika: Sure kiddo!

They went to go play with Grayson.

Miles pushed a button on the frisbee, a laser shot out of it, Grayson and Mika ducked and the laser sliced a tree in half.

Grayson smiled.

Grayson: Awesome!

Bose, Chapa and Schwoz stood there with their mouths open while Ray smiles as if nothing bad just happened.

Bose: What the— dude! What is wrong with you?!?

Chapa: You don't know what's safe for children?!

Schwoz: I am so sorry, he's a manchild.
Bose rubbed his temples.

Bose: It's fine.

Ray started to jump up and down.

Ray: I am NOT a manchild!

Schwoz: Ray! Don't make me put you in an old folks home, because I will!

Schwoz dragged Ray and marched away.

Bose and Chapa walked up to their son.

Chapa: Can mommy have that frisbee please?

Grayson gave Chapa the frisbee.

Chapa widened her eyes.

Chapa: There's a self destruct button?!? You take it!

Chapa gave Bose the frisbee.

Bose pushed the button, threw it high in the air and it exploded.

Chapa: RAY!!!

Bose hugged a stressed out Chapa and kissed her on her forehead to calm her down.

Bose: I think we had enough fun for one day.

Miles: I think you're right.

Mika: Sounds good.

Bose: We'll text you two tomorrow.

Mika and Miles went to their apartments.

Bose and Chapa went home.

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