Introducing the Danger Force.

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Ray is the boss, he is indestructible, cocky but sometimes he does care about others, nice and funny.

Mika is the team leader, a computer genius, she likes to help others, courageous and always one step ahead.
Ability: Sonic scream.

Miles is Mika's brother, he's calm, friendly, likes hot meals, he likes hot chocolate, he's confident, he believe he's destined for greatness, he's cool, never panics and he's funny.
Ability: Teleportation.

Chapa has a temper, she is strong, sometimes her behavior is irrational, she's confident and sometimes she protects her teammates.
Ability: Electrokinesis.

Bose is handsome, (not my words) confident, happy, dim witted, He is fully aware that he is not the smartest one in the group and he is totally fine with it, He believes everything and everyone is great! He is like a happy puppy in a 12-year-old's body. Bose just wants to have a good time, and luckily he thinks almost anything is fun.
Ability: Telekinesis.

Weston Hart's ability's are telepathy and acrobatics, her love interest is Asher Angel, she got her powers by being shot from a ray gun.

Schwoz: troll ( lol just kidding) genius inventor, gadget man, Ray is Schwoz's boss, his last name is Schwartz, Schwoz is a weird, interesting human being who talks in a Yiddish/German accent. His hair sticks out and is messy (his head used to be full of hair and was longer), and often wears clothes similar to a mechanic, with a collared shirt underneath. Although he is also nice, caring, helpful, and can fix just about anything or any problem.

Powers and Abilities

Piloting: Schwoz has been shown to possess piloting skills, where he is able to fly a helicopter.
Hacking Intuition: Schwoz is a skilled hacker, as he can change the spelling from all over the internet.
Engineering: Schwoz possesses engineering skills, as Ray has stated that Schwoz built Swellview Academy for the Gifted.
Mechanic: Schwoz possesses mechanic skills.

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