New kids in town

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Henry, Charlotte and Piper comes up the tube in the man's nest.

Schwoz, Ray and Weston were really happy to see them. Everyone smiles.

What's up kids? Ray asked happily.

Hey guys! Weston said smiling, she hugs her brother and sister.

Hey big dog and little sis! Henry says smiling.

I thought you guys were in Dystopia. Ray says.

Oh, we moved out a couple months ago. Charlotte tells him as Ray walks over to Henry.

Dude, why didn't you text me? Ray playfully punches Henry's arm while chuckling slightly.

Henry slightly smiles as he scratched his neck.

I'm so sorry man, I was just to busy fighting crime and moving. Henry says.

Well why did you guys move here? Ray asked.

Piper was about to speak when a girl with blonde hair walks in the man's nest.

Everyone was startled and their eyes widen.

Who are you? Ray asked

That doesn't matter. The girl said bluntly.

You are trespassing! Henry yells.

Now tell me who you are. Ray finished.

Why do you want to know? The blonde haired girl says angrily.

Everyone looks at each other, then looks back at her.

Yo- You are the one who trespassed in our headquarters! Charlotte stutters and exclaims, a bit frantic.

Listen, I probably stumbled upon this place by accident.. The girl paused, thinking is something. But tell me who you all are, then MAYBE I'll tell you who I am.

Henry sighs and gets close to her.

We are a team of super heroes who keeps the world safe from our enemies. Henry explains.

Nice to— Wait what?! I-I meant names! But fine, if you must know, my name is Pressely. A small beep came from her pocket and she pulled out, to her, it's a communication device, but to others it looked like a regular phone.

Great, my dad just texted me saying that I need to be home soon, she lied. It was actually a monster and her team needed her.

Where is the way out? She asked them.

Behind you. Henry shows her the door.

He gently grabs her arm.

There's one problem though. Henry says, staring at her with his brown eyes.

What is it?! She says, snapping at him.

Henry just stares at her.

Blondie, are you going to tell me what the problem is or no? I'll have to get going.

I think you don't want us to know that you're a super hero like us, no human would stumble upon this place by "accident" Henry tells her.

No, I'm not.. I promise you. Pressely paused again.

"How did Keeper get me here?" She asked herself before snapping out of it.

I really need to get going now. She says then leaves.

Henry walks over to everyone.

She's lying. Everyone says simultaneously.


*Pressely's lair*

Pressely was with her teammates.

They got blasters and turned into the power rangers, She is the Yellow ranger.

*Henry's POV*

Ray had Schwoz install an app that could locate any super heroes. They want to see Pressely's headquarters.

Everyone got into their uniforms and ran to her location.


*Pressely's POV*

They spotted the team.

Well well well, what to we have here? Fury asked the Danger force team.

I have no idea. Pressely lied.

Me and my friends are super heroes. I'm Ray. Ray introduces himself. Ray introduces everyone else.

We want to help you on your mission. Piper says.

Really? Hey, why don't you get Vivix to attack them? Pressely asked Fury. Better yet, why don't YOU attack them! To put to the test that we don't need help.

But Pressely, you're kid— Riley, the one in green tried to argue, but Pressely cuts her off.

Am I wrong? I dropped out of high school for this job! I'm not going to let some random people help us on our missions, we could handle this ourselves! Pressely rants.

Henry touches her hands and whispers to her, making her melt internally.

Just let us help you beautiful. He whispers.

No, you don't know anything about this guy. She says stubbornly. She puts two and two together and realizes that Henry is Kid Danger.

Believe me babe, no one is stronger then us. Henry smiles. You're so stubborn it's cute.

Really? She questioned, her face red under the helmet. Everyone suit up!

Uh ok. Riley says.

Everyone suits up. They had blasters in hand.

See? Do you still think we're not strong? Pressely asks.

I didn't say you weren't strong beautiful. Henry states. We just want to help so bad!

Well, next time you help, you can by not bothering us. Now if you excuse me, we have a mission. Pressely says.

They run off to the distance.

Alright, we'll be right here when you get back. Henry yells.

We will?? Weston questions.

Yes, we will. Henry says gritting his teeth.


You ok love? Chase asked, just to get a nod from Pressely.

Are you in love with Henry? Tyler, Pressely's father asked her.

I am not. Pressely denies. How to you know who Henry is anyway?

I have my ways.. Tyler suspiciously says.

Don't lie to yourself sweetie. Chase says smiling.

Chase, I know I'm a flirt, but I'm not, honest. She says

Ok. Chase says.

They still don't believe her.


Back with Henry and the team, they want Pressely to join their team.

Everyone smiles

Henry walks close to Pressely.

I want you on our team. Henry says smiling

Yea, it'll be fun! Piper agrees.

Pressely was hesitant, she looks at her smiling teammates.

She looks back at Henry.

Alright, fine. Pressely reluctantly says.

Henry smiles and everyone cheers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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