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Ritsuka slowly open her eyes and saw unfamiliar ceiling, her nose also smells some herb. The ceiling is made of wood as her brain was trying to process what's going on.

'Is one of her servant change my room interior again? Wait... Didn't I on my way to infirmary?'

She begun to look around unfamiliar interior yet familiar interior on earth.

'It's look like I'm at tradisional Chinese pharmacy. Weird...'

She begin to sit up to observe her surrounding place. Then she look at the window beside her and gasped.

'Wait, hold on didn't the alien god bleach the earth??? Why does she saw some building, and rock mountain?? And some plants.'

She look really confused then she look down to saw if she is still wearing her mystic code but turns out someone already change her clothes. She look around to find her original clothes was and she found it the clothes were beside her bed.

She sigh in relief because she still wearing her communication bracelet and her mystic code. Suddenly there's someone open the door.

"Ah.. I see you have already awaken. So how is your body does your body still hurt?" Said a green hair male with a white snake on his neck holding a tray. On tipe of the tray there's a glass of water, food and a bowl of medicine.

"Oh! Are you the one who treated my injured? In that case I'm very thank full to you for taking care of me overnight." as she try to stand up and help him my take ke tray and put it on top of the table.

"You don't need to stand up now miss just rest." He put the tray on the table then he bring the medicine and a glass of water to her.

"Ah... Alright sorry for troubling you." She said as she rubbed the back of her head.

She take the bowl of medicine and frown she then begin to drink it slowly because it's taste very bitter. She immediately regret drinking it slowly so she finished it in one gulp.

'I know the old saying that bitter medicine is the best, but it's too bitter! It remind me of certain god of medicine.'

The male have her a glass of water, she take the glass and drink it immediately to wash away the bitterness. The male smile when he looks at her behavior.

"Now do you mind telling me your name? My name is Baizhu. And can you tell me how did you get your injured?"

"Ah! Um... M-my name is Fujimaru Ritsuka. How I got my injured huh? It's not a big deal I just finished defeated a really bad guy." Ritsuka smile as if her injured really not a big deal.

"I see..." He grab the bowl of porridge and hand it to her.

"Thank you!" Ritsuka smile brightly.

"Now then I will go back to work so please rest." Baizhu said with a smile as he exit the room.

Ritsuka were eating her porridge and started thinking.

'His name pronunciation it's like from chinese. Ah... I forgot to ask him where am I, well it's fine I'll just asked him later.'

Ritsuka look at the window then looked at the red mark as the proof that she is still the master. Ritsuka sigh and think about how peaceful this place was.

'I envy this place. But I wonder how everyone.. let me try the communication bracelet.' As she look at the window in daze then look at the communication bracelet.

'This is not my world I must go back to where I originally came from because the fight is still not yet done there are still two lostbelt.' Ritsuka press the button on her bracelet.

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