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*Still inside the cave*
After Ritsuka explained everything to her servants Mashu still guarding the entrance cave but she can't handle many monster who suddenly come to get inside of the cave. All of them hear the fighting outside of the cave.

"Take care of the enemies first then we will continue our talk. Isthar and Coalt stay here with me, it would be bad if the other know your existed. King Arthur and King Gilgamesh help Mashu to defeated the enemies after that told Mashu to entered the cave." Ritsuka said with a serious expression.

They follow Ritsuka command. Arthur and Gilgamesh went outside of the cave to help mash defending the entrance cave. The clashing Ritsuka heard from outside soon die down. When all of the enemies gone they entered the cave, and begun to listening to Ritsuka plan.

"Because we don't have Chaldea support I forbid all of you to use Noble Phantasm except for Mashu. The reason why I told you not to use your Noble Phantasm because it's to destructive. Anyways I need your help to find Holy Grail so we need to split up." Said Ritsuka as she calculating the plan.

"Got it! Me and Coalt will search from the sky." Said Isthar with a grin.

"Si! We will make our body disappear so you can save your mana!" Said Quetzalcoalt.

"But Master one of us should protect you. I didn't mean to said that lady Mashu is incapable, it's just for example lady Mashu were engaged in battle one of us need to stay behind to protect you." Arthur said in worried.

"Hmph... I hated to admitted but that morgel is right Master." Said Gilgamesh.

"I appreciate your offer but don't worry! This world is not that dangerous. Besides I think Mashu is enough to protect me. Just focus on finding the Grail." Said Ritsuka with a gentle smile.

"Senpai... Alright I will do my best to protect you!" Mashu said with determination.

"Update the progress to me via servant and master telepathy. I'm just hoping that we must find the Grail as soon as possible." Said Ritsuka as she hold her chin.

Sometimes Ritsuka didn't act like her ages, some servant who saw her side felt a bit sad. But she have a duty to perform. It is scary to save humanity all by herself but, she can't hide she have to— no she must fight even if it's scary.

Ritsuka suddenly remind about her first lostbelt, it make her depressed because she need to destroy their world in order to restore the humanity but someone told her to keep on fighting. She unconsciously clench her fist when she remember that incidents.

"Master? Are you alright?"Arthur look at Ritsuka in worried.

"Yes... Yes I am." Ritsuka smile sincerely.

"Operation finding the grail and go back home is starting!" Ritsuka smiled as she said in determination.

"We will be back master!" Said Isthar as she fly in invisible.

"Si! We will be back don't forget to take care of yourself! Big sister will be sad if you collapsed. Adios Master!~" Said Quetzalcoalt as she summon her bird and turn into invisible.

"I will get going now master." Arthur looked at Gilgamesh then Ritsuka and nodded. Arthur turn into invisible then left the cave.

"Fools! Do you think I approve your plan?! Haa... It seems there's no limit for your foolishness morgel!" Gilgamesh glared disapproval at Ritsuka.

"I'm sorry!" Ritsuka unconsciously straighten her back and closed her eyes as she peek at him with her left eye.

"Hn.. I will accept your apologize under one condition!" Gilgamesh looked at Ritsuka with a smirk.

"What is the condition my king?" Ritsuka asked Gilgamesh.

"Hump! Rejoice morgel for it is I will be your side!" Gilgamesh folded his hand with an arrogant smile.

"Thank you, my king..." Said Ritsuka with a sincerely smile.

"Umu! Now let's erased the summoning circle if anyone seen this it would be bad." Said Gilgamesh as he ordered them to erased the summoning circle.

"Yes!" Both of them reply with enthusiasm.

Ritsuka erased the summoning circle with Mashu help. After they finished making the summoning circle disappeared Gilgamesh asked Ritsuka where does her next stop.

"We are going to visit Mondstadt! They said it's a city of freedom I really wanted to know how does the city looked." Ritsuka said with a smile.

"City of freedom? That sound interesting!" Said Mashu.

"I know right! That's why our next stop will be at city of freedom!" Ritsuka said with enthusiasm.

"Very well! I will allow you to go there! I will be invisible to save your mana." Said Gilgamesh.

All of them went outside of the cave they. Unknowingly someone with a Fatui mask on and saw them exit the cave and went inside after they far away from the place. He sense lingerie elemental power inside the place it only lasts for a few minutes then it disappears completely he didn't found anything inside the cave. Then he left the cave to give his investigation reports to his superior.

Good thing Ritsuka bring her maps or they would be lose in this vast world and she would get scolded by her servants. They chatted happily as they walk towards the city called Mondstadt. They meet a adventurer called Bennett he was covered in bruised.

Ritsuka wonder if her Mystic Code can be used against human in this world so she try to cast heal at Bennett. His injured disappeared and his felt his body better in instant.

"Oh my archon! My body felt a lot better now! Thank you very much! Let me repay your kindness!" Bennett felt really grateful to Ritsuka.

"Oh it's no biggie. Really!" Ritsuka said with a grin.

"Senpai! Please don't overworked yourself of you will collapsed!" Mashu said in worried. Her shield somehow already disappear and will appeared again when she in battle.

"Don't worry! My body is not that weak you know! We already been through together a lot so don't worry!" Said Ritsuka as she try to reassure Mashu.


"Trust me I really am fine." Ritsuka said with a reassuring smile.

Mashu sigh and nodded her head.

"Excuse me, are you perhaps planning to go to Mondstadt? If so then... Um... H-how about we go t-together? You know as a thanks I would like to give you some tour around Mondstadt." Said Bennett.

"Oh! That's a great idea! Let's go together!" Ritsuka said with enthusiasm.

They went to Mondstadt together with Bennett as a guide. He giver them a little tour around Mondstadt and then treat them some food. They chatted as they eat Mondstadt delicacy, they are getting better to know each other. Ritsuka didn't told him her journey with Mashu because the King's already warned her.

After they finished eating Bennett bring them to an inn for them to stayed. They really amazed when they entered the city the structure itself were unique and familiar.

They wanted to know more about Mondstadt but they choose to rest. Her servant who have been besides her took a walk around the city when Ritsuka is sleeping.

(A/n: yes an updated! I'm sorry for the late updated I think I will updated it once a week. It depends on my schedule. To be honest I'm surprised that a lot of you enjoying my fanfic which it's make me really happy! That's all thank you!)

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