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It's not the first time Ritsuka open her eyes and everything is black.t It's the third time it happens but the difference is she don't know if 'he' is here but somehow this darkness making her sleepy and comfortable.

"A little sleep won't hurt right?"

Then she close her eyes again. But that action making her drift deeper into darkness. The darkness itself embrace her in gentle manner. It was like a sweet temptation for a tired soul to rest then disintegrate them into nothingness.

Ritsuka herself didn't forget her purpose yet, she just let herself consume by the darkness. She's just tired of everything...

She is tired.

She keep moving forward and the enemies are getting stronger in every lostbelt she encounter. It make her scared and she feels like she wanted to give up and give her role to other person.

But who? She's the only master of Chaldea. It impossible for her to give her role to other person.

This is Ritsuka inner though were slowly being corrupted— no, her thoughts were already corrupted after all the things that she been through and she have been enduring it until she broke down on lostbelt 5.

She always told them that she's not alone but even so she just need a little time to be alone to pull herself together.

"Ha..." She hug her knees and burry her head on her knees. She don't know how much did the time pass yet she remain still.




"Is that it?"

"???" Ritsuka suddenly hear a familiar voice in the darkness. So she lift her head and open her eyes to search for the voice.

Something lit inside Ritsuka heart. The Will that she thought it's gone were burning inside her. Her will making her remember every servant last word that she meet on her journey. Yes... She need to keep going until it's done.

"Stand up!" The familiar voice tell her to stand up.

She stand up quickly and straighten her body. She were about to take a step forward but the unknown force try to drag her back to the darkness.

"Damn! Let! Go!"

Ritsuka were struggling to break free from the clutch.

Mash have just gone back to her inn. She's been taking care of Ritsuka real body but there's no progress of her condition. She just afraid that Ritsuka won't wake up. She bite her lower lips then frowned.

Ritsuka breath were slowly and steady but her body temperature drops.

Mash touch Ritsuka hand but when she touch it she got surprised because it's cold. It's not a normal temperature for human. Mash put on a quilt for Ritsuka. She hope that her body temperature return to normal so she waited.

They waited.

Mash and Arthur take turn watching over Ritsuka. Ritsuka have been unconscious since yesterday there's no sign if she will wake up.

Mash meet Aether and Paimon when she's running some errands. They asked Mash if Ritsuka is alright or no. But Mash can only said no with a sad expression.

"Um... Can we see her?" Paimon asked, worried.

Mash allow them to visit her so she take them to their inn.

But by the time they arrived Arthur open the door and meet their gaze. He bite his lower lip and tell them the bad news.

Ritsuka condition is getting worse. She's sweating and she look like she is struggling with something. But she didn't open her eyes. Her libs also suddenly get red like something is griping her prevent her to break free.

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