ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟠: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙

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Deku woke up on Shoto's bed. Todoroki wasn't anywhere to be seen. He sighed a bit, he wondered where the boy went but he was too lazy to get up so he laid there. The memories of yesterday flooded back to him. The pain on his stomach was still there but it wasn't too bad, nothing he couldn't handle at the very least. He turned to his side and shut his eyes. He wanted to leave badly. He didn't care about his past life, that was the old him. He wanted to be some else. Someone different. A hero. He didn't want to be trapped in the small house he was in.

"I'm going to be a-" he got cut off by someone pushing him down on his back and getting on top of him. He quickly looked up and saw Todoroki. He smiled and Todoroki returned it with a small smile, but the smile faded within seconds.

"Jesus. It's about time you got up! You've been asleep all day, it's time for you to wake up" Todoroki said as he poked Deku's forehead repeatedly, to the point where it started to get annoying, Deku grabbed his finger and kept it in place so he'd stop.

"And why are you waking me up by laying on me" Midoriya let out a small amused laugh.

"Nothing else worked, I tried screaming, and throwing you on the bed, and banging pans together, you are such heavy sleeper," he poked his forehead on last time and he got off of Deku.

"W- whoops, my bad." Izuku muttered, clearly embarrassed. Last night was rough but he didn't expect himself to be that heavy of a sleeper. I guess he just needed to reset after all of that. It was one of the best sleeps he had, he had no idea what his dream was but he remembered warmth, he guessed Todoroki must had laid next to him and he was on the left of Shoto.

"Its fine, but guess what!" there was excitement in his voice making Deku curious on what excited the peppermint.

"hmm, what?" Deku said plainly.

"Everyone is gone except us, we have the place to ourselves!" Todoroki said. Izuku's eyes widen and he grinned. This was his chance to look for an escape.

"Thats great! Hey, we should play some video games, let me get ready for the morning and then ill go play" Deku lied, he felt a little bad lying to Todoroki but it was for the sake of him escaping the place he hated. 'Maybe I can bring him with me. He does seem to like me.' Deku thought to himself.

Todoroki nodded and he left the room. Deku looked around. The room smelled nice. 'It smells of Todoroki-kun' Midoriya thought, he pushed the small thought away. He needed to focus on leaving. He put one of Todoroki's hoodies on and started to look around for an exit. Though as he checked every room for a way to escape, he found something out. Every room was devoid of a window. Except one. One single rectangular window. It was in his room right above his bed.

Deku stared up at it for a moment, if he really tried he could squeeze his way through, but he probably couldn't take a bag with him. He thought it would be best to leave when it was dark and everyone was asleep. He let out a low groan and walked over to Todoroki who was waiting for him, Todoroki most likely heard the boy coming cause he turned his head and he let out a short laugh.

"Is that my hoodie?" He said as he handed the second controller over to Deku. Deku just giggled as a response. Todoroki rolled his eyes playfully as Midoriya sat down next to him. Todoroki nudged Deku's shoulder "We can play Mario Cart until Shigaraki comes back, but be prepared to taste defeat!"

"You're on!" Deku laughed, Todoroki turned on the game and they chose their characters, Deku chose Yoshi and Todoroki chose Toad. Todoroki won the first few rounds as Deku was getting used to the controls but soon, Midoriya started taking the lead every time, nearly every time they played, Deku won. They played for hours. Only pausing to get snacks and go to the bathroom every once in awhile.

It eventually got dark outside and it was still only Todoroki and Deku in the house. Todoroki put the controller down and yawned. "I don't know about you but I think I'm going to bed."

Deku nodded and gave Todoroki a light hug, Todoroki hugged back, making Deku smile. Todoroki soon let go and ruffled his hair. As Todoroki left, Deku changed the input of the tv when Todoroki was in his room, and decided to watch the news, to get a feel of what the outside world was like.

There was everyday news reports, none of them really interested him, and he started to rest his eyes and nearly he fell asleep The tv was like white noise, being drowned out by his thoughts, until he heard someone saying his name and Todoroki's name. He jolted up and looked around, it took him a moment to realize that the person saying their names was on the tv. He instantly shot his head back to the tv, and his eyes widened out of horror after he saw why they were on the news, he turned it up louder and rewinded the tv a bit to hear the whole story.

"This is an emergency Amber Alert," The lady said, keeping her professionally trained monotoned voice. "Two students training to be heroes in UA have gone missing. Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki have been missing for a few weeks now. About three weeks ago Todoroki went missing, Midoriya, his classmate, went missing about two weeks after. Here are pictures of the boys and keep a look out." On the screen it showed a picture of Todoroki and Deku.

He turned off the tv and stared at himself through the reflection of the dark tv. Deku felt sick, like he was going to throw up. He was kidnapped. Todoroki was kidnapped. They didn't belong there. They needed to escape, and soon. He decided it would be best to run now and come back for Todoroki with more back up, he ran to his room and started to try to get through the window. At the same time he heard the door open and close.

Tomura was back, and Deku's door was wide open. Deku tried to hurry and squirm his way through the window but he got stuck then he tried to get his hips through, with enough struggling he knew he could get through but time was almost up, he heard footsteps walking towards his room, he wasn't going to make it in time. He tried pushing through but it was too late. Tomura had walked by.

But to Deku's relief Tomura never stopped walking, he instead headed towards Todoroki's room. Deku continued to squeeze through the window, 'I'm going to be free, I'm going to save Todoroki-kun, I'm going to be a hero!' Deku thought to himself. He just got his hips unstuck and started to finally get through.

But at the last moment he felt a pain at his joints. He was yanked backwards but something and he fell onto his bed, he couldn't move, but he could see what was going on. He was forced onto his feet into a bowing position, he was able to look at what was going on though, Todoroki was using his Puppet quirk on Midoriya, Tomura was behind him, four fingers on his neck, whispering things into Todoroki's ear. Todoroki's eyes were screaming he was afraid, but other than that he was able to keep his cool.

"Escaping, are we? As much as I hate you, I can't let you escape. You are a valuable pawn to our game. Same with your peppermint here." Tomura said as Todoroki was forced to drag him to a different room. He struggled and struggled but to no avail. He couldn't control his body. He was thrown into an empty, all metal room, only having a bathroom and a horribly uncomfortable looking bed. There were ghastly scratch marks on the walls that had to belong to some monster. He was let go by Todoroki and he quickly got to his feet.

"No!" He started to run towards the entrance, he nearly was able to get out before the door slammed in his face. The room went dark. He only knew where the door was so he desperately tried to open the door, he clawed at it, punched it, tried anything but it didn't work.

He leaned against the door and slid down it until he was sitting down, he couldn't see anything. He could barely see himself in the darkness. He soon felt tears fall down his face

"Let me go... please... I don't want to be here. Someone let me go, please." He whispered and he covered his face. Everything was so cold. And he felt so alone.

(Words: 1530)

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