ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝: 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕

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 "You really want to be a hero?!" Todoroki got closer to him, Deku backed up as much as he could but he was cornered.

 "Y-yeah...I mean, it's not that stupid of a dream. W-with this quirk w-we could save t-tons of lives." Even Deku would admit that was just a mess of stutters but could you blame him. There was a man with a Canadian flag for hair angry at him.

 "You are not going to become a hero. I'll stop you before you can even try," Todoroki said, he knew he had the advantage. Deku had no idea how to use his quirk properly where Todoroki could use his quirks at great measures. 

 "You can't... I'll sneak out of this place one day and no one will find me! You can't watch over me forever!" Deku scowled trying to defend himself as best as he could. "I'll become a hero and save everyone! You can't control me!" He expected Todoroki to finally stop harassing him but Todoroki just let out a small chuckle.

 "Well, actually..." he let out a sick smile and pulled his sleeves back. Seconds later there was strings coming out of his fingers, they looked to be made out of thin flexible steel that glistened in the light. One by one they attached to Deku's limb joints, Deku tried to stop them but couldn't, soon when all the strings were attached and Deku couldn't even struggle though he tried. He could only blink and move his mouth. "I can."

 "L-let me go! You bastard this isn't right! Let. Me. Go!!" Deku shouted. Todoroki moved his fingers around, making Deku twist his arm in a way it shouldn't go which made Deku yelp.

 "You will never be a hero, you got that?!" Todoroki twisted it a little more, Deku shook his head since Todoroki let him control it. 

 "I will, i'll be the number one hero...I want to save peop-" Before Deku could finish his sentence Todoroki twisted his arm even more harshly. There was a crack and pain. Deku started to scream and cry.

 "Y'know..." Todoroki chuckled and started twisting Deku's other arm. "You have a beautiful scream."

 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Don't break my other arm, please! I'm begging you!" Deku said through a blur of tears. "I won't make you mad again I promise just don't hurt me!!" 

"Well Tomura told me to teach you a lesson so I am," He twisted it further and stared at Deku, he was ready to snap his other arm like a twig but the longer he stared at Deku the more he hesitated. Deku let out another sob and Todoroki started filling up with guilt. He tried taking his eyes off of Deku so he would feel less guilty but it only made him feel worse. He couldn't bare hearing him cry for some reason. He heard him crying once before while he was having his quirk injected into him and he felt sorrow for him even then.

 Instead of the desire to break his arm Todoroki had the desire to hug him and bandage him up ti'll he was happy again. He seemed happiest when he found out he had a quirk finally. It was supposed to be a happy moment for him. But Todoroki took that happy moment away and replaced it with terror. Whenever he would think about his quirk he would probably remember what Todoroki did to him. Breaking his bones forcing him to deny what he wanted to do because  a couple people didn't agree, Todoroki looked back at Deku, his crying calmed down a little but not much. He let out a small sad sigh and released him.

 Deku fell to the ground, holding himself up with his one arm that wasn't broken. He wouldn't stop repeating small things like 'I'm sorry' and 'please don't hurt me again'. More tears fell onto the ground and it seemed he was trying to get himself to stop. Todoroki walked over to him, causing Deku to shake a little, crouched down, and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok. I won't hurt you again, I promise," after saying this Deku calmed down a bit more. "Here, I'll ask Tomura to get you something he's been testing. It's something that will heal someone instantly." 

Deku nodded and Todoroki left to find it. He went into the lab and looked around. When looking around he saw a small potted bush. 'Its cute... like Midoriya' Todoroki played with one of the leaves 'and soft...probably like Midoriya's hair. Wait stop. You are comparing him to a plant. Anyways he isn't that cute'  he thought to himself even though he knew in his opinion the last thought he had was a lie. Todoroki had been thinking these thoughts more and more. Just last night he wanted to kiss Deku for helping him but didn't. He shooed him away because he knew he needed sleep and didn't want Deku to find out he wanted to kiss him. How he would find out Todoroki didn't know but better to be safe then sorry.

 'I wonder if he like likes me. That would be a surprise...I wonder how I would react.'  he started getting lost in thought 'if he does confess how would he... he's probably too shy to but there is the possibility. Wait what if he isn't straight. Wait no he told me he was Bisexual a little while ago. So there is the possibility he does like me. Wait why do I care?? It's not like I like him. How could I like such a stupid human being? No he isn't stupid. I'm stupid. He's brilliant. I wonder how he got to be so smart-' he pause as he picked up the thing he was looking for. It was in a small sort of test tube vile.

 "Perfect," he said to himself as he ran back over to Deku. It was the beautiful delicate color coral and was a slower kind of liquid. He sniffed it and despite its lovely color it smelled awful. He handed it to him "Okay drink this. It may taste bad at first but it'll help you, I swear." Deku took a drink of it and recoiled at the taste.

 "It tastes awful! It's horrible." Deku complained.

"I know I know, just drink the rest of it." Todoroki sighed. Deku swallowed the rest of it and coughed a little. Todoroki got him some water to wash it down and spoke again "I heard it isn't going to be instant, what this does is it increases the cells in your body to a safe amount to heal your bone. It will put your body in a two day coma so it can heal properly. Then your bone will be all good, ok?" Deku nodded.

 "I'm getting a little tired. I guess I'll just go to bed right now," Deku said as he got back into bed but didn't lay down, he just sat there instead. "See you in two days I guess..." 

"Ok, goodnight." Todoroki said as he walked out the room so Deku could sleep. Closing the door behind him. Deku let out a short sigh and drifted off to sleep.

(Words: 1205)

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