Mona Mona

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Morgana had to walk home himself since he had to accompany Lady Ann. He sat at the door and waited for Akira to let him in.

"Morgana," Akira went out the door, "Ann told me you accompanied them to the train station."

"Yeh. Let me in, we need to discuss our plans."

Akira carried Morgana inside. 'Boss' looked like he was angry at Akira for something.

"So, what were you doing?"

"Steven will join our team. We already have a target, and suspects."

"Is that about what you called his 'aura'?"

"Yes. While Ann and Ryuji were talking to him, he faintly blushed neon pink. We need to investigate that."

"Shouldn't we worry about our new target than our new member?"

"Yes, yes, I know." Morgana walked around the room.

Morgana saw Akira smirk. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

"Of what?" Morgana sat and turned to him.

"Ann is talking to Steven more than you."

"NO. Also, we need a plan about when we go to the museum on Saturday."

"Hm. The museum is not for a couple days. Just help me make some tools."

"You should be studying."

"You just said we need a plan."

Morgana angrily scratched him and Akira just laughed.


Sojiro soon came up to lecture Akira about leaving Morgana outside. 

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