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Kandice pov
Today I was getting out the hospital , I went to see Josiah earlier he still in a coma , shanel still missing , everybody been working hard to find her .

My dad told me that her and siah are my siblings , and I'm actually happy I have a baby brother .

Dre works with bendo now , we can finally be together , kilo texts my phone almost everyday but I blocked him .

" you ready sis " Dejah asked I limped out the bed " yea I guess " I was still sad about losing my baby , I know I'm young but I would've been a great mother .

As she was driving she kept side eyeing me " what " I mugged her " I need to talk to you all funny shit aside " she said never taking her eyes off the road .

I sighed and put my head on the window, not wanting to talk forreal " okay what's up " I rubbed my scars on my arm.

" I don't know how to say this but I think me and you were messing wit the same person " I furrowed my eye brows " the fuck you mean ".

" calm down but kilo was my boyfriend kinda " I started laughing trying to control the crazy thoughts in my head .

" and I'm pregnant, it's his " she pulled in front of the house " you gotta be fucking kidding dejah " I got out the car slamming the door with her following me .

" kandice I'm sorry I didn't know besides he's 23 years old what are you doing with him anyways your only 16 " she yelled I stopped in my tracks .

" kadejah I don't care leave me alone " I walked in the house " if you don't care why are you so mad " she yelled again.

" I tired to leave him alone multiple times , I was raped , abused mentally physically emotionally verbally not once did you call me , not once did you text me , not once did you ask me was I okay but you sure can tell me we fucked the same nigga " tears ran down my face .

She just stared at me " your my fucking sister dejah your supposed to be here and there for me let's not forget the fact I was taking advantage of , I lost my baby and look at you no bruises , no fucking STDs no trauma caused and you didn't lose your child " I yelled and ran upstairs.

" kandice please " I ignored her and walked to my room slamming the door and locking it , I hooked my phone up to my speaker playing to the moon by phora .

Putting my face in the pillow crying my self to sleep .

Josiah pov
I was walking in a dark room , I couldn't see anything , I heard voices " hello " my voice echoed.

The lights turned on and I seen someone who look just like me " who are you " I asked .

He was dribbling a ball " I'm you " I was confused " me ? " I questioned " how is that possible where am I ? " .

He flashed me a smile " your in a coma , you where hurt badly " he stopped dribbling the ball he began walking closer to me " am I gonna die ? " .

" no your gonna be just fine your strong as hell man I mean you should've seen what I seen " he passed me the ball .

" so why are you here " I asked him " I need us to get up man ma worried about us " when he said that my eyes got big " ma " I asked confused .

He laughed " wake up and you will see " he disappeared " hey where did you go " I heard beeping noises and saw a white light .

As I walked closer to the light the beeping go louder , I covered my ears and kept walking.

Everything went white " my baby boy " I heard a familiar voice say my eyes started opening more " mommy " I let out .

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