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Once they made it rich house they started asking jasmine some questions " so what was that lil thing Jason had going on " rashad asked .

" well it was a private strip club , people would come we would perform and they pick us out to either be sold or to have sex " Theresa handing her some hot tea .

" how long have you been working for Jason " tjay asked she took a sip of her tea " since I was 15 my mama sold me to him "

Everybody stared and listened to jasmine " we would move from place to place , city to city , state to state I was abused and tortured raped when I turned 16 I was pregnant with my baby girl amora " she stopped talking.

" it's okay " kadejah her back slowly
" so where is amora now " destiny asked " my godmother owns a day care , I pay her 650 a month to take care of her , big Jason let's me see her time from time "

Rich felt his self getting angry because niggas like Jason disgusted him " so basically he was a human trafficker " jasmine nodded her head .

" he would always threaten to kill amora if I didn't listen , I just wanted to keep my baby girl safe "

" I'm glad that nigga dead " kayden mumbled " I am too after I jumped in shanel fight they took me to the slut box " Jasmine looked down whipping tears .

" what's the slut box " shanel asked " it's this room , it has weird sex toys and chains whips , it's super cold down there , he makes you strip naked and do weird things to him "

" they beat me wit cords and whips "

" I can't listen to this any more I'm sorry that happened to you , you really deserved better " tjayy stormed off .

" come on jasmine honey let's run you a bubble bath " Theresa said taking jasmine away .

" ima go talk to tjay " shanel said walking to the balcony, tjay sat there smoking " you okay " she asked sitting next to him.

" I don't understand the world sometimes nel " he passed her the blunt " like I know I'm deep in to the streets but I have feelings " .

" talk to me what's on your mind " shanel took a puff " my grandma always told me if a man put his hands on a female then he is a female "he looked at her .

" I don't understand how niggas can treat females like that , what if that shit happened to their little sister or kid "

She rested her head on his shoulder "  some niggas were raised differently from the others they don't value females like others do and the fact that your saying that shows that you was raised right " she smiled .

" yea but it really doesn't matter how someone was raised people still do what they want to do " he left shanel speechless .

Jasmine came outside " that bath was amazing I really appreciate y'all letting me stay " she sat down " I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable tjay " .

" nah it wasn't even like that I was just a little upset that you had to go through that shit alone or even period " he stared at her , jasmine was beautiful and he could tell that she was a genuinely a good person.

" you smoke " he asked handing her the blunt she took it and sat down next to them " so how about I take you to see your daughter tomorrow "tjay offered

Jasmine smiled,  shanel got up leaving them two to talk , she decided it was time to talk to her father .

She knocked on his office door before entering " we need to talk " She closed the door sitting down .

" listen shanel " he started to talk " no listen to me when you left me I felt like you didn't care about me , you caused ma to go on hard drugs , you caused me depression thinking I was the reason you left " she took a deep breath.

" do you know how many times I've tired to end my life , you couldn't take care of us but you could take care of three other kids " rich started to feel guilty.

" it hurt me because I woke up seeing your face everyday to not seeing you at all , I forgot what you talked like , smell , and looked like , dad you hurt me deeply I thought you loved me I thought I was your baby girl " shanel was deeply hurt by her father's actions.

This was something she thought about daily , something she waited her whole life for . Shanel practiced this conversation all the time , she was gonna let him know that his actions hurt and caused her pain .

Richard stood there dumbfounded, he never thought about how his actions could of possibly hurt shanel, he was selfish back then .

" shanel babygirl I'm deeply sorry i was young and dumb , but there's a lot of things you don't know about , your mother was my everything, their was mishaps with her and your grandfather "

" rumors on how they had slept together which I never really stopped and asked was they true or not and that's where I fucked up first , then they told me it was a chance that you wasn't mine and it fucked my head up "

" but once I saw you , I knew you was mine " he smiled wit tears in his eyes not wanting to tell her the real story but he had too .

What rich was finna say needed to come out " Josiah is not my child but I would never let him or anybody else know that because I love him , and you , Theresa was someone that was always there for me when I needed and I fell in love wit her "

Shanel was flabbergasted " I was selfish for leaving you I admit it , I would send your mama money for you and Josiah all they time but I stopped once I found out she was using it for drugs "

" shanel I want us to start over , yes I know I hurt you but I'm here to stay and you don't have to forgive me right away but I would like it if you at least think about it "

Shanel stood up " I can forgive dad but I won't never forget and I'm willing to take it slowly " he smiled and hugged her tightly .

This is what they need , they needed closure .

To be continued....

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