Vanessa's Song

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After but a moment,
Drowning in a sea of confusion,
All hope dashed against rocks of despair,
Her firm resolve culminates in
V I O L E N C E  . . .
S i l e n c e ...

          "For the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin."—Romans 6:7

After but a moment,
The maiden awakens
To peaceful surroundings

          "...Why are you causing noisy confusion and weeping?
           The young child has not died, but is sleeping."
          "Then, taking the hand of the child, he said to her, 'Tal'i-tha cu'mi,'
           which, when translated, means: 'Little girl, I say to you, get up!'"
—Mark 5:39, 41

Her eyes slowly adjust as
Her recognition rushes
With audible cries of joy:
"My Mother... My Father... You look so much younger, you do!
My Brother... and the others! Could this really be true?"

As the sun shines, our eyes rain thousands of tears
For the thousands of years of exquisite delight before us

          "...and he said that something should be given her to eat."—Mark 5:43

She feasts on curing fruit, and does willingly stoop
To drink from the river of water of life.
"In the reflection I see
What could have been,
What should have been,
Yes, what now is true for me!"

Oh, Vanessa, what grand, joyful reunion!
Love ...
Joy ...
Peace ...
Innocence of youth reclaimed!

Please sing me a new song, my darling girl.
Please sing me a new song again.

          "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming
          in which all those in the memorial tombs will
          hear his voice and come out..."
—John 5:28, 29

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Poetry form:  Lyric

In Memory of Vanessa Shaffer (1982-1998)

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