Short Avy With a Long "A"

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Oh, my dear, short Avy with a long "A"
I just learned of your sad demise today
Full seventy days since you passed away
Dark news eclipsing such a sunny day

Last visit ended with you hugging me
October's visit now will never be
Hopes, dreams, goals cast aside as mere debris
Life cut short, stolen by the enemy 

Your husband and son together do mourn
Your mother and father both so forlorn
Thirty-eight years from the time you were born
Your young, precious life from each of them torn 

You will always remain forever young
Forever precious and forever fun
Forever kind, empathetic and sweet
Forever found where love's memories meet

May future's reunion as tender be
Now forever safe in God's memory

Poetry form:  Lyric

In Memory of Avy W. (1981-2019)

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